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Item A: Review of Draft Request for Proposals for 10th and Charnelton Development Site
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 05/24/06 Work Session
Item A: Review of Draft Request for Proposals for 10th and Charnelton Development Site
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5/18/2006 8:12:52 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />stressed the importance of requiring detailed, highly descriptive responses to the RFP. The Planning <br />Commission also discussed the possibility of identifying the site as an “opportunity site,” but did not <br />make a specific recommendation. <br /> <br />Consistent with the Planning Commission’s recommendation, the draft RFP has been designed to stress <br />the importance of project proposals that will advance the policies and strategies in the Downtown Plan <br />and inspire investor confidence. Encouragement of proposals that are consistent with current <br />opportunity site concepts is included in the draft RFP. The Eugene Redevelopment Advisory <br />Committee also reviewed the prior RFPs for the site, and provided input that was consistent with the <br />Planning Commission input. The committee encouraged a comprehensive review of how each project <br />proposal advances the Downtown Plan and contributes to this area of downtown. <br /> <br />State statutes, the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, and adopted URA procedures govern the disposition <br />of real property held by the URA. URA procedures provide for the City Manager, as the business agent <br />for the URA, to publicly or privately solicit proposals and negotiate with any party for the disposal of <br />real property consistent with the Urban Renewal Plan. Any proposal which is acceptable to the City <br />Manager must then be presented to the council (acting as the URA) for its approval. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />th <br />Future development of the 10 and Charnelton development site is consistent with the policies and <br />implementation strategies included in the Eugene Downtown Plan, including: <br />Downtown development shall support the urban qualities of density, vitality, livability and diversity <br />? <br /> <br /> to create a downtown, urban environment. <br />Stimulate multi-unit housing in the downtown core and on the edges of downtown for a variety of <br />? <br /> <br /> income levels and ownership opportunities. <br />Help employers locate, remain and expand downtown by targeted use of economic tools and <br />? <br /> <br /> incentives. <br />Actively pursue public/private development opportunities to achieve the vision for an active, vital, <br />? <br /> <br /> growing downtown. <br />Use downtown development tools and incentives to encourage development that provides character <br />? <br /> <br /> and density downtown. <br />Promote multi-story, mixed-use structures downtown through financial incentives or code <br />? <br /> <br /> amendments. <br /> <br />In addition, the proposed future development of the Sears site is responsive to the following Growth <br />Management objectives: <br /> <br />Policy 1: Support the existing Eugene Urban Growth Boundary by taking actions to increase density <br /> and use existing vacant and under-used land within the boundary more efficiently. <br />Policy 2: Encourage in-fill, mixed-use, redevelopment, and higher density development. <br />Policy 3: Encourage a mix of business and residential uses downtown using incentives and zoning. <br />Policy 10: Encourage the creation of transportation-efficient land use patterns and implementation of <br /> nodal development concepts. <br />Policy 16: Focus efforts to diversify the local economy and provide family-wage jobs principally by <br /> supporting local and environmentally-sensitive businesses. Direct available financial and <br /> regulatory incentives to support these efforts. <br /> L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M060524\S060524A.doc <br /> <br />
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