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Item 2F: Resolution Concerning Operating Agreements
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 05/22/06 Meeting
Item 2F: Resolution Concerning Operating Agreements
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Last modified
6/9/2010 12:41:43 PM
Creation date
5/18/2006 9:21:25 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />representative or designated alternate, has the right to vote on matters being considered by the <br />organization or group holding the meeting or conference. Individual councilors or the Mayor may <br />state he or she is representing the City Council if he or she has been formally directed by the City <br />Council to do so. <br /> <br />For local intergovernmental bodies or advisory groups, to which an official Eugene City Council <br />representative has been appointed, the representative is to serve as an “instructed delegate,” that <br />is, to represent pertinent adopted city and Council policy. If possible, the Mayor or councilors <br />should inform the other members of the City Council of the matters being considered by <br />intergovernmental bodies, and to the greatest extent possible, seek direction from the City Council <br />on issues directly pertaining to the City of Eugene and adopted city policy. The representative <br />may express his or her own opinion, provided it is identified as such, but when voting or <br />considering matters with policy implications or budgetary considerations, the representative must <br />follow adopted City or Council policy and direction. <br /> <br />Participating in state and national groups such as the League of Oregon Cities and the National <br />League of Cities present the opportunity to enhance skills and knowledge, and are important <br />avenues for the Mayor and councilors to advocate for the members of the community and the city <br />itself. If the Mayor or councilors attend meetings of these organizations, an official voting <br />delegate should be selected by the City Council. This voting delegate, to the greatest extent <br />possible, informs the Mayor and City Council of issues or matters on which the voting delegate <br />may be asked to vote. If there is existing City or Council policy, the voting delegate will vote in <br />accordance with that policy. When providing a report to the council (see Section 10.06), votes of <br />the delegate should be included in that report. <br /> <br />If the Mayor or individual councilor serves on a committee of a state or national advisory <br />committee and has been selected in an “at large” role, that is, not a specific seat or position for a <br />City of Eugene elected official, that person should state the adopted City or Council policies. <br />However, that person is not bound by the adopted policy and can represent his or her own <br /> <br />position, provide that the person makes such a disclaimer. <br /> <br /> <br />10. COUNCILOR EXPENSES <br /> <br />10.01 General Guidelines for Reimbursed Expenses <br /> <br />Under the provisions of the City Charter, the City may pay a councilor or the Mayor expenses <br />that are directly related to City business. It is each councilor’s and the Mayor’s responsibility to <br />determine if expenses are actually City related. If there are questions about the propriety of such <br />expenditures, the Manager shall first review the issue with the councilor. If the City Manager and <br />the councilor cannot resolve the issue, the Manager shall discuss the matter with the Mayor. <br />Receipts should be secured for any expenses and should accompany Council expense report forms <br />to record mileage and other expenses. The forms shall be available from the City Manager's <br />Office. <br /> <br />Activities that support or oppose a political campaign shall not be reimbursable. <br /> <br /> <br />Eugene City Council Operating Agreements – May __, 2006 <br />Page 9 of 12 <br /> <br />
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