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<br />City’s ‘Good Earth’ Booth Focuses on Clean Water for All <br />Attendees who stop by booth 606 in the Good Garden section at this year's Good Earth Home, Garden and Living Show can <br />learn about many stormwater programs that benefit children, pets and the environment. <br /> <br />While there are several well-known ways that Public Works staff protects local waterways - for example, collecting leaves <br />or sweeping streets - visitors will also learn about many less visible services provided. For instance, the City maintains <br />more than 570 miles of stormwater pipes and cleans more than 14,700 catch basins and inlets. Staff monitors water quality <br />in local waterways, distributes flood protection information to help property owners keep their properties safe, and <br />provides instructional materials for teachers. <br /> <br />Booth visitors who want to test their knowledge and answer a question from the spinning wheel, can participate in a <br />drawing for a gardening or canine gift basket. Plus, visitors can sign up for the new e-newsletter, Raindrop to River, which <br />features articles about keeping waterways clean and healthy. <br /> <br />The Good Earth Home and Garden Show starts Friday, Jan. 23, at 5 p.m. and continues until 5 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 25, at the <br />Lane County Events Center. For more information, contact Stormwater Information Specialist Kathy Eva, Public Works <br />Administration, at 541-682-2739 or <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 <br />January 22, 2015 <br />