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Application for Appointment to Citizen AdvJsoFy Bom*d~, nd CommkstOllS' ', <br />Questions <br /> <br />1. Wh~ experience,. trsinh~, sn .d/or qusljfl~, tiOns do you have foF this psrtituhr bosrd OF. <br /> commi!sion? - · <br /> <br />I'bring a vari~ of ~ri~, accumulat~l over a numb~ o£ y~u% which ~? allowed .mo. to wo~k <br />with others in ways flint are releVant to the goals and mission of the Human Ri .ghts Comm~f~ston. I have <br />lived in Eugene since 1993 audi expect it to be myhome from now on. Prior to 19931 livedin Long <br /> <br />Nor me, there is clearly a thread of continuity and. commo~ in these lists. <br /> <br /> Commi~sign in 19~8 and sefl, ed until I left for Eugene. Actively involved in .the Hate Crimes <br /> Committee and in the Social 1ustice Committee. Helped develop a Namily Diversity Repofl that <br /> was submitted to the City Council with a n_m~her ofrecommeadstion/for action.' <br /> <br /> work~fbr the ~ private human ri~h/s ~onm the count~,. Much ofmy work <br /> -on developing weeldong multicUlV2ral summ~ workahops called 1~0.~~ USA, <br /> <br /> ~v~10V=, u~ner and ~ 0rh~d~ ~ons woashops ~or .con, se ~_d~'and b~d~= - <br /> California SUre .University at Long Beach, Oc~denUl College (Los An_geico), ~ College <br /> (Claremo~) and the C. vradm~ School ofTheolofD, (Claremont). <br /> Developer, trainer and facilitator at various weekend hum/m relations W~ and pw~ in <br /> Beach, Los Angeles, Santa Moniea, Oi~ma,. Alhamb~ m~d San Diego; for ~ in tho LOs <br /> Angeles Unified School Distriot; ~r ~ Scolds CounselOrs and trainers on Catal~ ~ ~cl' for. <br /> counselors, nurses, a~m~ni~'UatOrs h .tho Long Boac~ Un~fied School Distri~ Aclmowl~sment of <br /> "this Work has included honors and recogniti6n l~y the Los Angeles County Board 0f Supervisors and <br /> 'the mayo~ ortho Cos Ansele~' and Low S .eack <br /> ~kainer, facilitator, presenter in a variety of oth~r situationS that Would help me as a member ,of the <br /> F. ug~ne' Human Rights Commission: a certified trainer for the National Peer H.elpe~s Asso6i~on <br /> and 'conductor of NPHA trainings in the Los AngeJes area; long time member of the California <br /> Association 0fPeer Programs and a presenter at their state conferences; ph~ .ente~, for the California <br /> State Federation Confere~,e for the Council ~or Exceptional Children;'fav'ilitamr, Ways of Looking <br /> at.D.eath, Confe~ce on Bio-Bthics, UCLA Neuro-Psychiatric Instil;, facilitator., S~ng <br /> Survivors Conference, a workshop d~.ed:to help memb& of the helping <br /> <br /> ..... 'p.l <br /> <br /> <br />