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2.East of Charnelton Street. <br />(b)The council may expand the boundaries covered by sections 2.945 <br />through 2.947 of this code to include one or more of the areas listed in <br />this subsection (b)uponcity council’sapproval of: <br />1.Amendments to sections 2.945 to 2.947 of this code that require <br />that a percentage of the units in an approved tax exemption <br />project must be workforce housing as that term is defined in <br />subsection (2)(h) of this section 2.946, or that the developer must <br />makea commensurate “in-lieu of” paymentto the city thatis <br />based on workforce housing rental rates, and that those payments <br />shall be used to facilitate or develop workforce housing; and <br />2.Refinement plan policies that specifically provide for multiple- <br />family and mixed use projects within that area, and that those <br />policies are acknowledged pursuant to ORS 197.625. <br />The areas that the council may approve pursuant to this subsection are: <br />the downtown area west of Charnelton; Mid-town; South Willamette; <br />ththth <br />West 11; 6/7TrainsongHighway 99 Corridor; Valley River Center <br />commercial area; North Franklin; South River Road; Mid-River Road; <br />North River Road; South Coburg Road; Mid-Coburg Road; and North <br />Coburg Road. Any resolution approving one or more of these areas <br />shall have a map appended to it identifying the precise boundaries of <br />the areabeing approved. <br />(2) <br />Criteria for Approval. No exemption may be approved under subsection (7) of <br />section 2.945of this code unless all of the following criteria are met: <br />(a)Eligible Project Types.The project will provide multiple-unit housing of <br />five or more new units through new construction, an addition to an <br />existing structure, or a conversion of a structure from another use to <br />dwelling units. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, no exemption <br />may be granted for a project designed for the leasing of individual rooms <br />or beds, rather than entire apartment units, or a project otherwise <br />designed primarily for individuals attending college. <br />(b)Project Need. The proposal could not financially be built “but for” the tax <br />exemption. The burden is on the applicant to demonstrate that absent <br />the exemption, the project would not be financially viable. <br />(c)Compact Urban Development. For the downtown area, the project <br />meets one of the following density requirements: <br />1.Residential zones: 175% of minimum density for the zone. <br />2.Form-based zones with height limit of three or four stories: 30 <br />units per acre. <br />For any other area that council activates under subsection (1)(b) above, <br />density requirements shall be stated in the area planor other process <br />that activates the area. <br />(d)The project complies with any requirements in administrative rules <br />adopted by the city manager related to proximity to historic resources. <br />(e)Project Design and Compatibility. <br />1.The applicant has included a detailed description of the proposed <br />project and graphic information including site plans and elevations <br />containing sufficient detail to demonstrate that the project <br />addresses a set of basic design principlesin the context of the <br />project location. The city manager shall adopt as part of the <br />administrative rules to implement these sections a more detailed <br />Ordinance -Page 4of 11 <br /> <br />