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URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF EUGENE, OREGON <br />Notes to Basic Financial Statements <br /> <br />(1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued <br />(F) Receivables <br />All receivables are shown net of an allowance for uncollectibles in the Statement of Net Position and the <br />Governmental Funds Balance Sheet. <br />(G) Capital Assets <br />Capital assets are defined as tangible or intangible assets that are used in operations and that have initial <br />useful lives extending beyond a single reporting period. The capitalization threshold for capital assets is <br />$5,000. Tangible assets include land, rights-of-way (included with land), improvements, and <br />infrastructure. <br />All Agency assets have been capitalized in the government-wide financial statements. In accordance <br />with the current financial resources measurement focus, capital assets are not capitalized in the <br />governmental fund financial statements. Agency assets are valued at historical cost which is measured <br />by the cash or cash equivalent price of obtaining an asset, including ancillary charges necessary to place <br />the asset into its intended location and condition for use. <br />Upon disposal of an asset, cost and accumulated depreciation (if applicable) is removed from the <br />accounts and, if appropriate, a gain or loss on the disposal is recognized. <br />All assets are reported in the Statement of Net Position and any gain or loss upon disposal is recognized <br />in the Statement of Activities in the urban renewal redevelopment function. <br />(H) Deferred Inflows of Resources <br />In addition to liabilities, the governmental fund balance sheet reports a separate section for deferred <br />inflows of resources, if applicable. Deferred inflows of resources represent unavailable revenue that will <br />be recognized in a future period(s). The Agency has two primary types of revenues that are reported in <br />this section under the modified accrual basis of accounting. These revenues include: delinquent property <br />taxes and notes receivable. These revenues are deferred and recognized as an inflow of resources in <br />the period that the revenues become available. <br />(I) Fund Balance <br />In the fund financial statements, the fund balance for governmental funds is reported in classifications <br />that comprise a hierarchy based primarily on the extent to which the government is bound to honor <br />constraints on the specific purposes for which amounts in those funds can be spent. <br />Fund balance is reported as nonspendable when the resources cannot be spent because they are either <br />in a nonspendable form or legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. Resources in <br />nonspendable form include inventories, prepaids and deposits, and assets held for resale. <br />Fund balance is reported as restricted when the constraints placed on the use of resources are either: (a) <br />externally imposed by creditors (such as through debt covenants), grantors, contributors, or laws or <br />regulations of other governments; or (b) imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling <br />legislation. <br />continued <br />24 <br />