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URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF EUGENE, OREGON <br />Notes to Basic Financial Statements <br /> <br />(3) Stewardship, Compliance, and Accountability <br /> (A) Budgetary Information <br />The City Manager (acting as the Agency Director) submits to the City Council of Eugene (acting as the <br />Urban Renewal Agency Board under provisions of Oregon Revised Statute 457.460) a proposed <br />operating and capital budget a sufficient length of time in advance to allow adoption of the budget prior to <br />July 1. <br />Prior to July 1, the Agency legally adopts its annual budget for all funds through passage of a resolution. <br />The resolution authorizes fund appropriations as current annual departmental requirements, debt service, <br />capital outlay, interfund transfers, interfund loans, intergovernmental, and special payments. <br />Expenditures cannot legally exceed appropriations at these control levels. Appropriations which have not <br />been spent at year-end lapse, although an amending resolution passed in the subsequent year <br />specifically provides for the reappropriation of prior-year lapsed encumbrances. <br />Unexpected additional resources or appropriations may be added to the budget through the use of a <br />supplemental budget. A supplemental budget requires hearings before the public, publications in <br />newspapers, and approval by the Agency. Original and supplemental budgets may be modified by the <br />use of appropriation transfers between the levels of control. Such transfers require approval by passing <br />an Agency resolution authorizing the transfer. All budget amendments are subject to the limitations put <br />forth in the Oregon Revised Statutes Chapters 294.305 through 294.565 (Oregon Budget Law). The net <br />effect of amending resolutions passed during the fiscal year was an appropriation increase of $106,702. <br />(4) Detailed Notes on All Funds <br /> (A)Equity in Pooled Cash and Investments <br />The City maintains a common cash and investments pool that is available for use by all funds, including <br />the Agency. The Agency’s portion of this pool is displayed in the Statement of Net Position and the <br />Balance Sheet as "Equity in pooled cash and investments.” Cash and investments are comprised of the <br />following at June 30, 2015: <br />Deposits with banks$1,056,325 <br />Investments11,576,433 <br />$12,632,758 <br /> Detailed information for the Agency’s pooled cash and investments can be found in the City of Eugene’s <br />FY15 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Notes to Basic Financial Statements). <br /> (B) Unavailable Revenue <br />Unavailable revenues are reported as a deferred inflow of resources in the governmental funds Balance <br />Sheet. Unavailable revenues are reported in connection with receivables for revenues that are not <br />considered to be available to liquidate liabilities of the current period. <br />continued <br />27 <br />