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<br />.' ........ _....~. _..9'......, ...."''''*. V"''''''VVVVVtV <br /> <br />J.Jnr <br /> <br />~003 <br /> <br />1. What experience, ~,'andlot qualifieations do you have for this partioular board or commission? <br /> <br />CEO of 3.rd largest credit 1R1ion in Qregon ad the largest ill Lane County. <br />Manage a workforce of!250 employees. <br />Busmess experleD.~e over 30 years. <br /> <br />2. Wha,t ~ 001ltributi0n do you hope to make to f.le hoatd or coxmnission? Why do you want to become a member? <br /> <br />I believe I eollld eu.trihute bybliDiDg a finaDeial business perspective to the Board. <br />TDe mission and goals of Laae WOrkforce Parmership match my personal values and the values of <br />Oregon CommWJ.ity Credit Unio. of malditg a clit'fel'enee in the community <br /> <br />3. Briefly desc:ri.he your m.volvem.en.t in relevant community groupsan.a activates. (lack of previous itiV01vem.ent will not <br />necessarily disqW!llify you from consideration.) <br /> <br />"Sotithtowne Rotary " <br />MetropolitaDHolIsing Board <br />Credit Union Govenub.eD~ Affairs Committee <br />American Heart Association - Go Red for Wom.e.: Co--Chair <br />H~althy .EeoDomy Committee <br />United Way <br /> <br />4. Are you cm.n'I'mtly a m.ember of a City ofEugeae advisolY board. or comtt:dasion? 'lillO, which t.Jne? NO <br /> <br />S. MO$t. City bo1Udsl~ons meet 0Me am.onth,~mOle ~y. Meet:inp generally last about two hours. <br />Pl~e indicate below the times you wou.ld. be able to attend m~s. <br />X Moming(6:30 - 8:30 a.m.) X Noon Time (11:30 -1:30) , <br />, X Afternoon (4:00 -();OO p.m..) X Bvening (after 6:()O p.m~) <br /> <br />NOTE: 7b aJJtTtY tl.large IIUItIlw <>fcitizens to &eI'W 011 btumIs tmd ~M. . City Counr;U pqlir:;y ~ ityJ~ /J;J 6(tf'Wl <br />on only 0_ ~ brHtrrJ or ~1s.st01J at a lime. .4 CIt1'1YInt 1IJB1nbcrr of<< botwrJt~ who Is a ~l opplleant for <br />another~" wil1 be ~ to r.:/tixva ~ tM two tlpJX'J~ TIlts po/i(;y doe8ltOt 9U to f.lI:llwc committees <br />or ~ental ~ or ~ thta tuff ~fl>>' ~ ofspecijie atIvi80ry grtXq) (e.g. the Human.Rtgbts <br />CommLuion mflmh.r 4f8lgnstl If) the Pollee Commission). <br /> <br /> <br />Info.tmatioa $Ubmitted on this application is public infonnatiOD. The information provided heteh1 is true aud comp1ete.. A <br />false or misleading statem.ent may cause for elilDmatioIl frol1\ oonsideratioJL <br /> <br />'\ <br /> <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />'le I:LB It) 1 <br /> <br />J . "l. <br /> <br />Sipaturc.of licant <br />Return completed applica.tions to: <br />City Manager's Office <br />111 Pearl,Street, Room 105 . <br />Eugene, OR 91401 <br />541-682-5010 . <br />541 ~682-5414(Fax) (ApplieatioDS may be faxed) <br />For more iaforl)1auoD, visit our web site at' <br /> <br />H:\Exccutivc Team\MaAdy\Citizen MvismyBontd\City orlugcncappHcatioadoo <br />