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CC Minutes - 06/27/07 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/27/07 Work Session
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8/17/2007 9:37:35 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Zelenka was impressed by how much was going on. He had noticed and appreciated the many multi- <br />cultural offerings. He thought the work that had been done was great and looked forward to the report of the <br />Cultural Policy Review steering committee. <br /> <br />Mr. Clark also commended staff and expressed appreciation for the outdoor movie offerings. He noted that <br />staff mentioned the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Comprehensive Plan, and said he understood the <br />plan had been remanded by the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) and was not legally in effect, although <br />he understood the City was still consulting the plan. City Manager Taylor deferred to Katherine Brotherton <br />of the City Attorney’s Office, who concurred the plan had been remanded. The basis of the remand was <br />LUBA’s conclusion that the City Council needed to adopt it as a refinement plan to the Eugene-Springfield <br />Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). She said the acquisition list had been by the City Council but <br />was on appeal to LUBA; however, she maintained that list was still in effect. She acknowledged the PROS <br />Plan was “hanging out there” but she believed the council could still consult it as a guiding document. She <br />indicated she would be happy to provide a written opinion. She noted that the City hoped to get the case <br />involving the projects list dismissed or to have a decision within a couple of days. Mr. Clark asked if the <br />City could acquire parks using the plan as a basis for those acquisitions before it adopted the plan as a <br />refinement plan. Ms. Brotherton said yes. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon termed the action plan very exciting and said there appeared to be a lot of work involved. She <br />asked if any consultants would be employed for things such as marketing. Ms. Bohman said that the City <br />would get a steering committee of its partners together and discuss next steps. She said that group could <br />recommend that the City secure consulting services for marketing. Ms. Solomon asked if the council would <br />approve that expenditure. Ms. Bohman was unsure, suggesting it depended on the resources the different <br />partners could bring to the table. City Manager Taylor thought the City would get some free marketing <br />through the “Eugene 08” effort and then the Budget Committee would recommend additional expenditures in <br />the next budget based on the action plan. <br /> <br />Ms. Ortiz, seconded by Mr. Pryor, moved to approve the Arts and Outdoors Updated Ac- <br />tion Plan as recommended. The motion passed unanimously, 8:0. <br /> <br /> <br />2. WORK SESSION: <br />An Ordinance Concerning Public Improvements <br /> <br />Development Review Manager Peggy Keppler of the Public Works Department introduced an ordinance <br />intended to bring Chapter 7 of the Eugene Code in line with the rest of the City Code and recent changes in <br />State law. City Attorneys Jerome Lidz and Ms. Brotherton as well as Data Manager Fred McVey were also <br />present for the item. Ms. Keppler briefly described the staff review that had occurred, which resulted in a <br />list of suggested changes, some very minor and others more significant. She reviewed the categories in <br />which the changes were made. She invited questions. <br /> <br />Councilors asked questions of the attorneys and staff clarifying the changes to Chapter 7 being proposed <br />through the ordinance. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman requested that staff prepare an amendment extending the warranty period for structural <br />deficiencies and faults found in privately engineered and constructed public improvements. Ms. Taylor <br />indicated support for the request. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council June 27, 2007 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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