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<br />encouraged under the MUPTE guidelines. The applicant’s proposed housing involves three buildings and <br />features open courtyards, a secure bicycle parking room and vehicle parking under the housing units. The <br />development is being designed and built by the local firm of Anslow & Degeneault – a company with <br />significant experience with sustainable/green building practices. The project developer demonstrates a serious <br />commitment to sustainable practices and quality design. <br /> <br />The development will feature a variety of elements including the use of landscaped courtyards (featuring native <br />species), high efficiency-low emissive windows, traditional attic roof construction, and the use of products that <br />are produced from sustainable practices. This includes a commitment to use, when feasible, locally produced <br />products including: parallam, glulam, oriented stand board, as well as structural lumber and studs. <br /> <br />Impact and Need for Tax Exemptions to Encourage Housing <br />The City and other local taxing districts forgo some revenue when a development is exempt from taxes. The <br />land itself continues to be taxed during the exemption period. This project proposes new construction on a <br />property that has been underdeveloped based on the zoning. The improvements will bring increased revenue, <br />after ten years, beyond what is currently being collected. The property is currently taxed at $2,902 per year. Of <br />this, $651, for the land, will continue to be collected. The MUPTE exemption accounts for an estimated <br />$34,821 per year. <br /> <br />Timing <br />On October 22, the council will review the MUPTE program. This applicant initiated his process in the spring <br />and formally applied in August. He has been very concerned about the timing for financing and leasing <br />reasons. This agenda date was scheduled prior to the council request for a work session regarding MUPTE. <br />There is a legal timing requirement to provide the council with the report and recommendation within 90 days <br />of application. The council must act in 180 days or the application is considered approved. This October 8 <br />meeting falls inside the first 90 days. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />MUPTE is enabled by state statute and the City of Eugene has participated in the program since 1978. <br />Encouraging housing in the core area and in West University is consistent with numerous adopted planning and <br />policy documents. Examples include: <br /> <br />Growth Management Policies <br />Policy 1 Support the existing Eugene Urban Growth Boundary by taking actions to increase density <br /> and use on existing vacant land and under-used land within the boundary more efficiently. <br />Policy 2 Encourage in-fill, mixed-use, redevelopment, and higher density development. <br />Policy 3 Encourage a mix of businesses and residential uses downtown using incentives and zoning. <br /> <br />West University Refinement Plan <br />V.9 The City will encourage residential uses in all parts of the plan area. <br /> <br />V.11 The City and the neighborhood shall study ways to encourage a variety or mix of structure <br /> types providing both owner and rental opportunities and appealing to a diverse population. <br /> <br /> F:\CMO\2007 Council Agendas\M071008\S0710084.doc <br />