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EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER <br />November 15, 2007 <br />City of Eugene <br />777 Pearl Street, Room 105 <br />Eugene, Oregon 97401-2793 <br />(541) 682-5010 <br />(541) 682-5414 (FAX) <br /> <br />IN THIS WEEK’S EDITION <br />CAR SEAT CLINICS RESUME AT WHITEAKER FIRE STATION <br />ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR RAISES FUNDS FOR SENIOR PROGRAM <br />BURN-TO-LEARN SCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY <br />NEW MONROE-FRIENDLY BIKEWAY LINKS NORTH AND SOUTH EUGENE <br />INFILL COMPATIBILITY STANDARDS AND OPPORTUNITY SITING TASK TEAMS BEGIN MEETING <br />REINING IN THE RAIN: STORMWATER CONNECTIONS NEWSLETTER BEING DELIVERED <br />CITIZEN COMMITTEE PRESENTS RECOMMENDATIONS ON RASOR PARK PROJECT <br />2007-08 HULT PRESENTS THEME IS “WHERE THE WORLD MEETS” <br />AROUND THE CITY <br />Car Seat Clinics Resume at Whiteaker Fire Station <br />The Whiteaker Fire Station at 2nd and Chambers will once again serve as the site for child safety seat <br />clinics for local residents, thanks to a grant from Kohl's department stores. The first clinic in the new <br />series is scheduled for this Friday, November 16, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. The safety seat clinics were <br />formerly operated by Lane County, but were stopped two years ago due to funding constraints. The new <br />series will be administered by Sacred Heart Medical Center, and funded by the “Kohl's Cares for Kids” <br />grant program, which is contributing $13,000 this year. <br />At the free clinics, which have been very popular locally, families drive into the station bay where trained <br />experts make sure that child safety seats are installed correctly. In the years that the clinics were <br />available (1999-2005), child injuries attributable to incorrectly installed safety seats dropped from 93 in <br />1999 to only 25 in 2003. In 2004, more than 400 safety seats were inspected as part of the program. As <br />funding allows, Sacred Heart hopes to be able to provide safety seats to low-income families, in addition <br />to providing the inspections. For more information, please contact Glen Potter, Fire & EMS Public <br />Information Officer, at 682-7118. <br />Annual Holiday Bazaar Raises Funds for Senior Program <br />Recreation’s Senior Program kicks off the holiday season with its annual holiday bazaar at the Campbell <br />Center from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 17. The proceeds from the event go to the center’s <br />trust fund and will be used to purchase major equipment items not covered by the City’s General Fund. <br />Last year, the bazaar raised more than $4,000. <br />The sale includes crafts, quilts, wooden items, pies, baked goods, and of course, the center’s famous <br />Sweet Hot Mustard. There’s also a raffle and silent auction. Many of the sale items are made by seniors <br />who are regular patrons of Campbell Center. The raffle and silent auction items are donated by local <br />businesses. For information, contact Yvaughn Tompkins, 682-6315. <br />Burn-to-Learn Scheduled for Sunday <br />This Sunday, November 18, Eugene Fire & EMS crews and crews from Santa Clara Rural Fire Protection <br />District will conduct a burn-to-learn exercise on a donated house at 190 River Loop 1 (weather and air <br />quality conditions permitting). In addition to providing valuable live fire experience and a joint training <br />opportunity in the field, the drill will allow firefighters to gain experience in using the department's new <br />thermal imaging cameras and other new fire suppression equipment. It will also offer a range of specified <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 1 <br />November 15, 2007 <br />