<br /> A. Approval of City Council Minutes
<br /> - June 20, 2007, Work Session
<br /> - June 25, 2007, City Council Meeting
<br /> - June 27, 2007, Work Session
<br /> - July 11, 2007, Work Session
<br /> B. Approval of Tentative Working Agenda
<br /> C. Appointment of Human Rights Commissioner to Police Commission
<br /> D. Appointment to Lane Workforce Partnership
<br />
<br />Councilor Bettman noted her submission of corrections to the minutes. Mayor Piercy deemed them approved
<br />without objection.
<br />
<br />Councilor Ortiz, seconded by Councilor Pryor, moved to approve the items on the Consent Calendar.
<br />Roll call vote; the motion passed unanimously, 8:0.
<br />
<br />
<br />3. ACTION:
<br />An Ordinance Concerning Public Improvements; Amending Sections 7.010, 7.085, 7.095, 7.100,
<br />7.130, 7.140 7.145, 7.175, 7.190, 7.205, 7.210, 7.220, 7.290, 7.297, 7.302, 7.305, 7.307, 7.360, 7.370,
<br />7.385, 7.405, 7.407, 7.410, 7.415, 7.425, 7.445, 7.720, 7.725, and 7.735 of the Eugene Code,
<br />1971; Adding Sections 7.090, 7.143, 7.350 and 7.365 to that Code; Repealing Section 7.400 of that
<br />Code; and Providing an Effective Date
<br />
<br />Development Review Manager Peggy Keppler of the Public Works Department was present for the item. She
<br />said the council was scheduled to take action that evening. She responded to questions from Councilor Bettman.
<br />
<br />In regard to Councilor Bettman’s question about the required traffic impact analysis, Ms. Keppler said the City
<br />had standards in place for such analyses that addressed Councilor Bettman’s concern, and in addition staff
<br />proposed to amend 7.410(b) to require the studies to weigh the additional conflicts and congestion for pedestrians,
<br />bicycle, and vehicular traffic. She distributed copies of the amended text.
<br />
<br />In response to Councilor Bettman’s question as to how the changes would affect the cost of the Crest/Storey
<br />developments, Ms. Keppler said the proposed changes would not affect the cost of construction.
<br />
<br />In response to a question from Councilor Bettman about whether the City could recover the difference in the
<br />assessment to a residential zone and a commercial zone if a residentially zoned property later rezoned to a
<br />commercial use, Ms. Keppler said the City had no mechanism in place to amend assessment costs after the fact,
<br />
<br />and staff would require more time to evaluate that issue if the council wished to make the change.
<br />
<br />Councilor Bettman recalled staff recommended a change of street designation for Crest/Storey to collector but
<br />that was placed on hold during the design process. She asked if the assessments remained the same if the street
<br />was a collector versus a neighborhood collector. Mark Schoening, City Engineer, clarified that the streets would
<br />
<br />not be above the status of a neighborhood collector and the assessment to residents would not increase.
<br />
<br />Councilor Ortiz, seconded by Councilor Pryor, moved that the City Council adopt Council Bill
<br />4949, an ordinance concerning public improvements.
<br />
<br />Councilor Bettman determined that Councilor Ortiz and Councilor Pryor accepted the following as a friendly
<br />
<br />
<br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council August 13, 2007 Page 5
<br /> Work Session
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