133 Transportation Utility Fund
<br />FY08FY08FY08
<br />AdoptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />L
<br />6,136,648(1,917,521)4,219,127
<br />a
<br />L
<br /> Taxes3,300,00003,300,000
<br /> Intergovernmental01,220,8881,220,888
<br />c
<br /> Miscellaneous156,0000156,000
<br />Total Revenue3,456,0001,220,8884,676,888
<br />TOTAL RESOURCE9,592,648(696,633)8,896,01
<br />S5
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Projects2,900,00002,900,000
<br /> Capital Carryover 6,096,079(720,588)5,375,491
<br />b
<br />Total Capital Projects8,996,079(720,588)8,275,491
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Balance Available596,56923,955620,524
<br />a,b,c
<br />Total Non-Departmental 596,56923,955620,524
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS9,592,648(696,633)8,896,01
<br />5
<br />133 Transportation Utility Fund
<br />Beginning Working Capital Reconciliation:
<br />a) Decrease the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by
<br />$1,917,521 and decrease balance available by the same amount. The decrease brings the FY08 Budgeted
<br />Beginning Working Capital in compliance with the audited FY07 actual revenues and expenditures as
<br />determined by Isler & Company, LLC, the City's external auditor.
<br />Capital Carryover Reconciliation:
<br />b) Decrease the capital carryover by $720,588 and increase Balance
<br />Available by the same amount. This action reconciles the FY08 Capital Carryover Estimate to the actual
<br />ending FY07 capital projects balance and carry forward.
<br />Re-budget
<br />c) revenue of $1,220,888 for externally funded Public Works projects and increase Balance
<br />Available for the same amount.
<br />