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<br />Text Amendment~ to be added to <br />Rivet" RQad~Santa Clara Urban Facilities Plan~ <br />Chapter 2, River Road/Division Suharea: <br /> <br />5. Notwithstanding Rt:commendatiou Nu, 4~ development sites ahutting soutb of <br />Gt"een Lane and generaUy west of tbe eastern boundary of tbe furmer Santa Clara <br />El.ementary Schoul Sift' may 1.H;~ designated and zOIlt'd Nlcdhun Dt'usity lksidenthtL <br />I f tht~ parcels at"e zmH~d lViDR~ tbey must be devdt)pt~d as a Planned Unit <br />Development in connedifwwith the formerSanta Clara Elementary SdwoI sitt: and <br />with an emplm~is nn mixed>>use devdopment principles, <br /> <br /> <br />6, Upon the sale fJ'Offi public ownership to private tHvnershipt tht~ City shan <br />recogniz,e tht~ 1:U't'a of the former Santa Chira lrlcmentary School at the suutheast <br />eurner of tht: intenwcth:m of River Ruad and Hunsaker I~mle, betwct~n Hunsaker <br />Lane and Green Lane (Tax Luts 9100, 920Ht 9300 (,f AssessortsMap 17>>04~11-41 <br />and Tax Lots 2{Hh 300, 4HO of Assessor!s Map 17~4-11~44) as appropriate for <br />CummerdaI development and designatt~d Commerchal. Ifzoned cnmnwrdal~ it shaH <br />be zont:d C-2 and it shaH he develHped as Planned Unit Development in connection <br />with the property descrihed in Rt~COlmnendaH{m No,S with an emphasis 011 mht>tl- <br />use tkvdopmt:nt principks, In addition: <br />a,N{~ individual building fHutprint witbin the c{)mmerdal devek~puwllt may <br />cxct~ed 19~OOO ~quan~ feet; and <br />b, l>ermitted OJ' conditional Cnmml.~rdal servict:s shall not include theaters; <br />lodging; C2 and CJ permitted manufacturin.g; medical, health and <br />COlTt:ctional stTykes; motor vehide related uses; and <br />e. Tht) historic character nf tht~ former Santa Clara Elementary SdwoI shaH <br />be commt:mnrated on sih~ by using arehitectural features and histork <br />elements typical of the former Smlta Clal'a Elementary SdH)ol (e.g" brick <br />facades~ easdngs~ etc.), <br /> <br /> <br />7, Pursuant to Recommendatinns 5 and 6) a pt:destrian frknoly cfmnecHon subject <br />to revle'" ~md apprnval hy Ow City Engineer shan b~~ provided tn cross Green Lane <br />betwet:n the former Santa Clara Sdwnl Site and a pmperty .sHuth of Green Lane <br />and sban indnde five or more of the following design dements: <br />a, Curb ramps <br />k Ctn-b extensions (equal tn the width of OIHltreet parlullg, hut nHt <br />illterft:ring with. bicycle lane) <br />c. Raist~d tTosswalks <br />d. Spt:dal paving tn~atment (t:,g.) brkk, alternative colorst cnbhkstone~ <br />patterned cement~ etc.) <br />e. Adequate lighting to funy Hluminate the cru.ssing at aU honrs <br />f. To minimizl.~ conflict with vehicles entering or exiting Ow furmer Santa <br />Clara Ekmental'Y School ~ite II.wak the crossw~ttk to tbt~ east of the future <br />Green Lane access tH Ow fonner Santa Clara Ekmt~ntary Scho{}1 site. <br />