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<br />The Eugene Toxics Right-to-Know Program was created and is governed by Section 54 of the Eugene City Charter, <br />Amendment IV, adopted by citizen initiative in November 1996. It requires that businesses meeting certain criteria <br />report their hazardous substance use to the City, that the City make that information public, and that hazardous <br />substance users pay fees as necessary to operate the program. <br /> <br />For more information on the Eugene Toxics Right-to-Know Program, contact Jo Eppli at 541-682-7118. <br /> <br />(sub)Urban Projections Multimedia Festival Offers Unique, Immersive Experience <br />The fifth annual multimedia festival (sub)Urban Projections returns to the Hult Center on Apr. 21 and 22. The unique <br />event is a collaboration between local artists, Harmonic Laboratory, University of Oregon students, the Hult Center and <br />City of Eugene Cultural Services. <br /> <br />This year, (sub)Urban Projections: Ritual will transform the Hult <br />Center on Apr. 21, intersecting more than 60 dancers, performers, <br />musicians and visual artists with technical entrepreneurs to create <br />an immersive experience. Tickets are free with advanced <br />reservation required at <br /> <br />The second half of the festival on Apr. 22 will showcase a grand <br />multimedia collaboration called Kid Koala’s Nufonia Must Fall. The <br />performance brings Kid Koala’s graphic novel to life, animated in <br />real time with a live soundtrack. The show is directed by acclaimed <br />director K.K. Barrett and presents a score written and performed <br />by Kid Koala and the Afiara Quartet. Tickets start at $26 and are <br />available at For more information, please contact Sarah-Kate Sharkey at 541-682-6342, or visit <br /> <br /> <br />Teen Court Gives Experience in Decision-Making, Communication, Law and Ethics <br />Teen Court is a lesser-known program within the City of Eugene’s Recreation division. The court is run by students <br />trained in the concept of restorative justice and adult attorneys acting as judges. The court conducts peer hearings to <br />recommend consequences for first-time juvenile offenders cited for non- <br />violent misdemeanors and violations. Youth volunteers develop skills in <br />decision-making, cooperation, public speaking, law and ethics while helping <br />their peers and improving the community. <br /> <br />One Teen Court volunteer, Alondra Duran, has invested over 300 hours with <br />the program since eighth grade. Now a high school senior, she is involved in <br />student leadership, community service and fundraising through her school. <br /> <br />Alondra represents the type of exceptional young leaders who participate in <br />Teen Court. She has demonstrated excellent leadership, working hard to <br />facilitate successful hearings for everyone involved. Alondra is often the <br />welcoming face with whom defendants’ families become comfortable. Recently, Alondra was selected to be featured as a <br />young community leader for the nationally televised show ¡Que Noche! on the Telemundo network. <br /> <br />For more information, please contact Billy Hernandez at 541-682-6376. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 <br />April 7, 2016 <br />