<br />Improvement Fee Cost Basis
<br />
<br /> Acquisition Other Other Other
<br /> Park Units Quantity Acquisition Development Oevelopment Renovation Funding .- Funding -- Funding -- Nel Project Growth Share Growth Coot
<br /> Type o. Coot Coot Totals City Partner Partner Costs (Coot B..lo)
<br /> (Ownerohlp)
<br />Improve Tennis Courts at WHS in partnership with Bethel School SF 4 e. 1 $ 112,500 $ 112,500 $112.500 $0 $56.250 $0 0% $0
<br />District 52
<br />Complete second phase of River House Master Plan SF 4 e. 1 $ 1,350,000 $ 1.350.000 $675.000 $0 $0 $675,000 21% $140.246
<br />Implement SMJ House plan, including parking and access across SF 5 $0
<br />railroad tracks
<br />Improve Cuthbert Amphitheater SF 5 $0
<br />Provide for replacement of synthetic surface fields in partnership with 4 SF 1.3.4 eo 10 $ 2,812,500 $ 2.812.500 $2,812.500 $0 $1,406.250 $0 $0
<br />Implement Rose Garden master plan SF 5 $0
<br />Replace irrigation at Lsurelwood SF 5 $0
<br />Restore Bloomberg NA 5 $0
<br />Renovate park restroom; X 1 e. 7 $ 945.000 $ 945,000 $945.000 SO $0 SO 0% $0
<br />Develop children's play !ifea renovation program X 1 e. 1 S 225.000 S 225,000 S225.000 $0 $0 SO 0% $0
<br />Decommission wading pools X 2 e. 1 S 562.500 S 562.500 S562.500 SO $0 SO 0% SO
<br />Renovate park irrigation systems X 2 e. 1 $ 1.125.000 S 1,125,000 Sl,125.000 SO $0 SO 0% $0
<br />Renovate park lighting systems X 1 e. 1 S 562.500 $ 562,500 S562.500 $0 $0 SO 0% $0
<br />Renovate tennis courts, including resurfacinQ X 1 e. 1 S 1.125.000 $ 1,125,000 S843.750 SO $0 $281,250 81% S226.438
<br />Redevelop W University 1 S 67,500 S 67.500 $67.500 SO 0% $0
<br />Implement habitat management plans X 2 e. 1 S 1.125,000 $ 1,125,000 Sl.125.000 SO $281.250 SO 0% SO
<br />Imnrovinn Existinn Facilities Total S 52.336,406 S 52.336,406 $40,011,750 $168,750 $6,579,563 $8,341,219 55,.. $4,608,731
<br />Access Improvements
<br />Improve access to Friendly & Lafferty Parks (See S2 on Map 3) NP 4 e. 1 S 168,750 $ 168.750 $0 S42,188 $0 S126,563 49% S62.016
<br />Improve access to Kincaid and Milton (See S4 on Map 3) NP 4 .. 1 S 168,750 S 168.750 $0 $42,188 $0 S126,563 49% $62.016
<br />Develop access improvements 10 meet neighborhood park needs NP 4 1 $ 112.500 $ 112.500 $0 $28.125 $0 $84,375 49% $4' .344
<br />(See B2 on Map 3)
<br />Develop access improvements to serve this neighborhood (See B6 on NP 4 1 S 28.125 S 28.125 $0 $7,031 $0 $21,094 49% $10.336
<br />M.p3)
<br />HP' -J. NP 4 1 S 168,750 S 168.750 $0 $42,188 SO $126,563 49% $62,016
<br />Improve access to Fairmount and laurel Hill Park (See S1 on Map 3) NP 4 1 $ 168.750 S 168.750 $0 S42.188 $0 $126.563 49% $62.016
<br />Improve access to Amazon Park (See S3 on Map 3) NP 4 1 S 168,750 S 168,750 $0 $42.188 $0 $126.563 49% S82.016
<br />Improve access to Tugman Park (See S5 on Map 3) NP 4 1 $ 168.750 $ 168.750 $0 S42.188 $0 S126.563 49% $62.016
<br />Improve access to existing parks (See R5 on Map 3) NP 4 1 S 112,500 S 112.500 $0 S28.125 SO S84.375 49% $41,344
<br />Improve access to existing parks (See R6 on Map 3) NP 4 1 S 112,500 S 112.500 $0 $28,125 $0 S84,375 49% S41,344
<br />Enhance access to Striker Fields (See W3 on Map 3) NP 4 1 S 112.500 S 112,500 $0 S28.125 $0 $84.375 49% S41.344
<br />Enhance access 10 Brewer & Bond Lane parks (See W5 on Map 3) NP 4 1 S 112.500 S 112,500 $0 S28.125 $0 $84.375 49% S41.344
<br />Improve connectivity to Sheldon (See W6 on Map 3) NP 4 1 $ 112,500 S 112.500 $0 S28.125 SO S84.375 49% $41.344
<br />Enhance access to Crescenl Park (See W7 on Map 3) NP 4 1 $ 56,250 S 56.250 $0 S14.063 SO $42.188 49% S20.672
<br />Improve access and parking at Cal Young Sports Park (See W2 on NP 4 1 $ 112,500 $ 112.500 $64.375 S28,125 SO SO 49% $0
<br />M.p3)
<br />Enhance access to Willakenzie school and Ascot Park (See W9 and NP 4 2 $ 112,500 S 112.500 SO S28,125 $0 $84,375 49% $41.344
<br />W10 on Map 3)
<br />Enhance access to Churchill Sports Park (See WC2 on Map 3) NP 5 $0
<br />Enhance access to Oakmonl Park (See W8 on Map 3) NP 5 $0
<br />