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CC Minutes - 01/16/08 Work Session and Meeting of URA
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 01/16/08 Work Session and Meeting of URA
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5/6/2008 12:06:31 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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<br />Mr. Pryor agreed with Ms. Ortiz and Mayor Piercy. He said the council was struggling to understand how <br />the legislation was enacted and responding emotionally to why it was enacted. He felt that good governance <br />meant elected officials had to separate their decision-making from how they might feel about something in <br />order to make decisions that benefited the community. He liked the comprehensive nature of the proposal <br />and appreciated staff's initiative to find greater efficiencies in opportunities to accomplish several tasks <br />simultaneously and coordinate activities beneficial to the process. He supported a Comprehensive Lands <br />Assessment as an opportunity to obtain information on which to base good decisions. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor agreed with Ms. Bettman that the UGB should be established first; otherwise an accurate <br />inventory could not be done. She was opposed to doing more than what was required by law. She felt the <br />actual costs would probably be higher than estimated for the comprehensive inventory and take significant <br />amounts of limited staff time away from other projects. She preferred to do only what was specifically <br />required by the bill in order to use the least amount of money and staff time. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Mr. Zelenka, Ms. Jerome explained that the bill did not relieve the City from <br />all of the State laws that would apply when a UGB amendment was made. She said at a minimum there <br />would need to be a substantial study of residential lands to justify the new location of the UGB along <br />Interstate 5. She said other applicable statutes required significant findings about whether or not the new <br />UGB was sufficient. She said it was possible that existing studies had enough information to make those <br />findings, depending on how individual City land supplies were viewed, but it was not acceptable to simply <br />draw a new UGB down the middle without further action. <br /> <br />Mr. Zelenka asked for clarification of the comprehensive assessment that was being proposed. Ms. Gardner <br />replied that HB 3337 only required an inventory of residential lands, but the Planning Commission had <br />recommended the Comprehensive Lands Assessment to consider commercial, industrial, and residential <br />lands as well as natural resources because that information was important to future planning efforts such as <br />infill compatibility standards, opportunity siting, and corridor redevelopment. As an example, she said that <br />a comprehensive assessment could determine there was a surplus of one type and need for another type of <br />land; the information could facilitate redesignating land in order to meet growth management goals. <br /> <br />Mr. Zelenka said the process by which the bill was enacted was not in the spirit of regional cooperation, but <br />the council needed to move beyond that issue. He asked how long a comprehensive assessment would take. <br />Ms. Gardner estimated that it would take a one-year period. <br /> <br />Mr. Zelenka remarked that UBGs prevented sprawl and protected critical farmland; changes should be <br />based on a comprehensive assessment of lands currently within the UGB and a determination of whether <br />there were opportunities for redevelopment and reuse of those lands. Ms. Gardner said that one of the <br />reasons for the Planning Commission's recommendation was the chance to include redevelopment opportuni- <br />ties. <br /> <br />Mr. Clark commented that the council should bear in mind how creating a scarcity in the marketplace drove <br />up the value of property. He asked for clarification of expiration of current inventories. Ms. Gardner cited <br />the agenda item summary (AIS) language that stated the Commercial Lands Study would expire in 2010 and <br />if no inventory was adopted before that expiration it would be very difficult for the City to make findings <br />under Statewide goals 9 and 10 for land use policy decisions after the study expired. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council January 16, 2008 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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