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<br />Exhibit C <br /> <br />FINDINGS IN SUPPORT OF THE ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS <br />TO THE TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT OF THE <br />EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN. <br />, <br /> <br />AMENDMENTS TO MAINTAIN THE CONSISTENCY OF THE <br />EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN; <br />AND REVISIONS TO THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD <br />TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN <br /> <br />INTRODUCTION <br /> <br />In the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area, land use and transportation planning begins <br />at the regional level. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro <br />Plan) is the acknowledged comprehensive plan for the cities of Eugene and Springfield <br />and unincorporated areas of Lane County within the Metro Plan boundary. Originally <br />acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission in 1982, the <br />Metro Plan is currently undergoing its second periodic review. The Metro Plan is a <br />framework plan, and is supplemented by more detailed refinement plans. In the Eugene- <br />Springfield metropolitan area, refinement plans include functional plans, special area <br />studies and neighborhood plans. The transportation system plan for the Eugene- <br />Springfield metropolitan area (TransPlan) was adopted by Eugene, Springfield and Lane <br />County in 1986 as a refmement plan to the Metro Plan and this update of TransPlan was <br />initiated by the elected officials in 1992. In turn, TransPlan as a regional refinement plan <br />to the Metro Plan may be supplemented by plans specific to the Eugene or Springfield <br />urban areas, such as the Eugene Local Street Plan and Springfield Bicycle Plan. In the <br />context of these actions adopting revisions to TransPlan and amendments to the Metro <br />Plan, the term "refinement plan" is used to refer to a plan adopted as a refinement to the <br />Metro Plan rather than the Transportation Planning Rule (OAR 660, Division 12) defini- <br />tion of "refmement plan" as a specific type of amendment to a transportation system plan. <br /> <br />The Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) is the metropolitan planning organization <br />(MPO) designated by the Governor to coordinate transportation planning within the <br />Eugene-Springfield urbanized area. Eugene-Springfield is one of four Oregon metro- <br />politan areas subject to state and federal require:ments for MPOs. LCOG has prepared the <br />TransPlan update with staff support from Eugene, Springfield, Lane County and Lane <br />Transit District (LTD). Other agencies involved in the planning process include the Ore- <br />gon Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority <br />(LRAPA), Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), Federal <br />Highway Administration (FHW A), and the Federal Transit Agency (FT A). <br /> <br />Exhibit C <br />Findings in Support of the Adoption of TransPlan <br />