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Brazilian beat and folk to disco. Entertainers will perform each day before and after the competition and <br />will include a variety of acts from great Northwest bands to local ACT-SO medalists. Find out about all the <br />family and entertainment opportunities at the Eugene 08 Festival, and watch a 17-minute video on more <br />of the City’s involvement in presenting the 2008 Olympic Trials, at For <br />more information, call Tim Patrick, 682-6347. <br />Fire Prevention Office Offers Landscaping Advice to Neighborhoods <br />The advent of warmer weather is a good time for all area residents to assess the fire safety of their <br />homes and surroundings. During dry, hot weather, the hilly, wooded areas in south and southwestern <br />Eugene are particularly vulnerable. Responding to a recent request, Eugene Deputy Fire Marshal <br />Sandra Johnston met with neighbors in the Videra section of southwest Eugene for a walking tour of the <br />neighborhood. Deputy Johnston was able to advise residents to remove flammable vegetation, including <br />blackberries, Scotch broom, and downed trees and branches, from common areas near residential <br />structures. The neighborhood contracted with Northwest Youth Corps for the removal work, which was <br />accomplished this week. <br />Specifically, the Eugene Fire & EMS Department, in alignment with state and national fire safety <br />authorities, recommends a 30-foot "defensible space" around all homes, free of flammable vegetation <br />and debris. Officials also recommend clearing roofs and gutters of dry leaves and twigs, trimming away <br />branches that are near a structure, and keeping fuels and firewood well away from the home. For more <br />information, please contact the Eugene Fire Marshal's Office at 682-5411. <br />Summer Reading for Adults at Eugene Public Library <br />Try something new! Metamorphosis is the theme of this year's Summer Reading programs at Eugene <br />Public Library. Along with great free events for kids and teens, the Library offers a fun opportunity for <br />adults. Read three books, write brief reviews to share, and get a free coffee at Novella Café or $1 <br />towards books at the Friends' Second Hand Prose book store. Visit any Library location to pick up official <br />review forms plus a free Library mini-notebook (while <br />supplies last). Return the reviews for a Novella/Second <br />Hand Prose coupon. And that’s not all: reviewers also get <br />a chance in a raffle for a Library book bag with a gift <br />certificate good at any of the stores of Unique Eugene. <br />What to read? Find ideas in the Library's Metamorphosis <br />booklists featuring novels with characters transformed by <br />travel, coming of age, overcoming obstacles, and more. <br />There’s even a list of books with surprise endings. <br />Readers can also discover books to match individual <br />tastes and interests with the online sites NoveList and <br />Books in Print. These premium tools are available free at <br />Great <br />the Library as well as offsite through the Library website: A special <br />Reads <br />computer class provides an introduction and expert how-to tips on Saturday, June 21, at 10:00 <br />a.m. For more information or to pre-register, call Eugene Public Library at 682-5450 (press 2). <br />Permit Customer Survey Highlights Improvements/Areas for Attention <br />Results from the most recent City of Eugene building permit customer survey are in, with operations <br />receiving an overall performance rating of 3.9 on a 1- to 5-point scale (5 being excellent). Every two <br />years, Building and Permit Services contracts for an independent, statistically valid telephone survey to <br />provide feedback on services. Since 2002, there have been substantial, perceived improvements in <br />getting information and assistance on: zoning and public works requirements, the inspection phase of the <br />building permit process, and obtaining a building permit. The rating for availability of service at the <br />counter also has improved, from a score of 3.4 in 2004 to 4.2 in 2008. These scores appear to reflect a <br />number of changes at the Permit and Information Center, including dedicated public information staff in <br />certain areas, expanded service hours and increased use of technology. <br />Staff knowledge, referrals, respectful communication, and counter service all ranked highly with survey <br />respondents, while the perceived reasonableness of fees ranked lowest on a list of characteristics that <br />included consistency and speed of service. Staff continues to move forward with strategies to improve <br />service delivery to our diverse customer base. For example, field inspectors now are more easily reached <br />via cell phone by homeowners and contractors, and staff teams are running pilot programs for reviewing <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 <br />June 19, 2008 <br />