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CC Minutes - 11/26/07 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/26/07 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Poling asked for confirmation that the alternatives were not limited to those identified in Mr. Schwetz's <br />presentation and that new options could be considered during the process. He expressed concerns about the <br />West 11th Avenue, which he felt faced the same challenges as a Coburg Road route. He was reviewing <br />reports from the West Eugene Extension Corridor Committee, but scheduling conflicts had made it difficult <br />to attend meetings. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman questioned the purpose of selecting a corridor from among such a broad range of alternatives. <br />She confirmed with Mr. Schwetz that West 18th Avenue was not being considered. She thought that each <br />alternative would have a different purpose and need and saw no reason for a route along the Amazon <br />Channel. She asked when LTD wanted decisions from the council on specific provisions of the plan and <br />what disposition would be made of the council's comments from this meeting. Mr. Schwetz referred to the <br />preliminary process and timeline included in the agenda packet. He said the major decision point for the <br />council would occur when the results of the environmental analysis were available; at that time the council <br />would be asked for its selection of a preferred alternative. He said that decision would involve the council, <br />the LTD Board and the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC). He said there were points in the process <br />preceding that decision at which LTD would provide project updates to the council. He said the LTD Board <br />would consider adoption of the Purpose and Need Statement and Goal and Objectives at its December 19, <br />2007, meeting; the Board would identify alternative alignments for further environmental analysis at its <br />February 2008 meeting. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman expressed concern with the amount of leeway in the process, which she felt could result in the <br />council not selecting any of the alternative alignments as the preferred alignment. <br /> <br />Ms. Ortiz said she was also concerned with the purpose of having BRT in West Eugene and the ultimate <br />goal of the project. She was hopeful there would be feasible alternatives as she supported mass transit, but <br />did not want it to occur at the cost of constituents' quality of life. Mr. Schwetz said one of the goals was to <br />relieve commuter traffic from the west. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon asked if an Amazon Channel alignment would be a bus only lane or allow other traffic. Mr. <br />Schwetz said a bus only lane was envisioned. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Ms. Solomon, Mr. Schwetz said that an extension West 5th Avenue to <br />Bertelsen Road was a problem because of intervening wetlands. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon pointed out that the entire area had wetlands and some mitigation could be done. Mr. Schwetz <br />agreed there would be tradeoffs with any of the options and the process would allow mixing and matching <br />alternatives to achieve the goal of the NEPA (National Environmental Protection Act) process to mitigate <br />the project's impacts. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor asked if the alternative alignments being considered were under discussion because there was a <br />large demand for service in those spots. Mr. Schwetz responded that the concentration of demand was along <br />West 11th Avenue, particularly west of Garfield Street. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor asked if Highway 99 would be considered as a corridor. Mr. Schwetz said it was not under <br />consideration at this point. <br /> <br />Ms. Piercy asked if the council could provide comments on the Purpose and Need Statement. Mr. Schwetz <br />replied that he would provide the council with an updated version, based on public comments to date. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council November 26, 2007 Page 3 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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