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RESOLUTION NO 4618 <br /> ATTACHMENT A <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION NO 4618 <br /> <br />A -RESOLUTION ADOPTING A DEFINITION AND STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING <br />THE APPLICATION OF SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES TO THE CITY OF EUGENE <br /> <br /> The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that: <br /> <br />A. In March and April, 1999 the City Council held a series of work session on Council Goals for the <br />1999 -2001 biennium. In those work sessions, the Council discussed the meaning of the term <br />"sustainable" as it related to proposed Council Goal #2. The City Council directed staff to provide <br />information on the sustainability concept at a future Council meeting. <br /> <br />B. On September 8, 1999 the City Council held a work session to discuss the sustainability concept and <br />its application to Council Goal #2, and to the government of the City of Eugene. Following that <br />discussion, the City Council directed staff to prepare a resolution that adopts a definition for the term <br />"sustainable" and outlines further actions that the City might take to incorporate sustainability principles <br />in local government activities. <br /> <br />C. Issues related to community sustainability cut across jurisdictional borders and political boundaries. <br />The application'of measures to insure a sustainable future requires intergovernmental cooperation and <br />support from private sector business entities, community and neighborhood organizations, non- <br />governmental organizations, and educational institutions. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EUGENE, a Municipal <br />Corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows: <br /> <br />Section 1. Based on the above findings, we, the elected officials of the City of Eugene agree to uphold <br />the Sustainability Principles outlined in Section 2. The City of Eugene is committed to promoting a <br />sustainable future that meets today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to <br />meet their needs, and accepts its responsibility to: <br /> <br /> Support a stable, diverse and equitable economy <br /> <br /> Protect the quality of the air, water, land and other natural resources <br /> Conserve native vegetation, fish, wildlife habitat and other ecosystems <br /> Minimize human impacts on local, regional and worldwide ecosystems <br /> <br />Section 2. Sustainability Principles: City elected officials and City staff will uphold the following <br />principles in carrying out their duties: <br /> <br /> 1. The concept of sustainability guides city policy and actions. The City of Eugene is <br /> committed to meeting its current needs without compromising the ability of future <br /> generations to meet their own needs. The City will ensure that each of its policy decisions <br /> and programs are interconnected through the common bond of sustainability as expressed in <br /> these principles. The cumulative and long term impacts of policy choices will be considered <br /> as we work to ensure a sustainable legacy. <br /> <br />httv://www, no 4618.htm 1/25/2005 <br /> <br /> <br />