(aa) Theft of services, in violation of section 4.930 of this code;
<br />(bb) Interfering with public transportation, in violation of section 4.977
<br />of this code;
<br />(cc) Assault in the third degree, in violation of ORS 163.165;
<br />(dd) Assault in the second degree, in violation of ORS 163.175;
<br />(ee) Assault in the first degree, in violation of ORS 163.185;
<br />(ff) Criminal mischief in the first degree, in violation of ORS 164.365;
<br />(gg) Robbery in the third degree, in violation of ORS 164.395;
<br />(hh) Robbery in the second degree, in violation of ORS 164.405;
<br />(ii) Robbery in the first degree, in violation of ORS 164.415;
<br />(jj) Intimidation in the first degree, in violation of ORS 166.165;
<br />(kk) Discharging firearms, in violation of ORS 166.170;
<br />(ll) Pointing firearm at another, in violation of ORS 166.220;
<br />(mm) Carrying a concealed weapon, in violation of ORS 166.240;
<br />(nn) Unlawful possession of firearms, in violation of ORS 166.250;
<br />(oo) Adult using a minor in commission of controlled substance
<br />offense, in violation of ORS 167.262;
<br />(pp) Unlawful possession of inhalants, in violation of ORS 167.808;
<br />(qq) Unlawful manufacture, delivery or possession of a controlled
<br />substance, in violation of ORS 475.840;
<br />(rr) Unlawful manufacture of heroin, in violation of ORS 475.846;
<br />(ss) Unlawful manufacture of heroin within 1,000 feet of school, in
<br />violation of ORS 475.848;
<br />(tt) Unlawful delivery of heroin, in violation of ORS 475.850;
<br />(uu) Unlawful delivery of heroin within 1,000 feet of school, in violation
<br />of ORS 475.852;
<br />(vv) Unlawful possession of heroin, in violation of ORS 475.854;
<br />(ww) Unlawful manufacture of marijuana, in violation of ORS 475.856;
<br />(xx) Unlawful manufacture of marijuana within 1,000 feet of school, in
<br />violation of ORS 475.858;
<br />(yy) Unlawful delivery of marijuana, in violation of ORS 475.860;
<br />(zz) Unlawful delivery of marijuana within 1,000 feet of school, in
<br />violation of ORS 475.862;
<br />(aaa) Unlawful possession of marijuana, in violation of ORS 475.864;
<br />(bbb)Unlawful manufacture of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, in
<br />violation of ORS 475.866;
<br />(ccc) Unlawful manufacture of 3,4-metrhylenedioxymentamphetamine
<br />within 1,000 feet of school, in violation of ORS 475.868;
<br />(ddd) Unlawful delivery of 3,4-metrhylenedioxymentamphetamine, in
<br />violation of ORS 475.870;
<br />(eee) Unlawful delivery of 3,4-metrhylenedioxymentamphetamine within
<br />1,000 feet of school, in violation of ORS 475.872;
<br />(fff) Unlawful possession of 3,4-metrhylenedioxymentamphetamine, in
<br />violation of ORS 475.874;
<br />(ggg) Unlawful manufacture of cocaine, in violation of ORS 475.876;
<br />(hhh) Unlawful manufacture of cocaine within 1,000 feet of school, in
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