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1~~ <br />'ro'~e-~.~ 3P03~. 133~I~R3tA:L FuNn <br />C1tT Attorney _-T- _ -•_.••T___-_.T ________________~ 2,304.00 <br />, .Avi+stlon Field (Qld) -s..,...~,,---------------------- 13.50 <br />City ~ia11 „ .......-....r..T~._--t.-'.----•.T-T_T_ 2,250.04 <br />Comfort $tatiott ., .-• --,T-T.,!eT__•.-.T-•<..,.-. 1,283.20 <br />$ngineer di $ulldin8-Inspector- ,. ................... 15,239.06 <br />p'ire I?epartanent .._ ................•;....... 40,205.00 <br />Milti~: ~6 Meat Inapectpr •-••••=T-TTT-TtT'!-T_TTTT_T-T- 4,217.24 <br />Mi4cellaneous ._ ....•-=..._T._~.•__-• ............. 17,996,50 <br />Park ~ltpaxtmsnt ...............T-...-..T..T.<..._ 4,013.27 <br />Flannini4 Commission •.•,_!_-.. •..=T,,.TT,-.........,_., 50.00 <br />Folice Department=__..=_.T=.TTT....<.<...,._._<-.---. 27,774.71 <br />$ohea MMartYQvlr~ .....•.•T.•.•-T_T•.•.•._-•.-•..•..._•-. 1,466.00 <br />C'lty ~R.C.vf d~k. ._,RT•.lSl1T-`1 *!-Tl..}.,,T <.+,I t.TR.T.<- 6)a172.~0 <br />Sewer Department .T._TT•-•T--T...__-.--...•_=-_.T_,_ 3,350.08 <br />City 1"reaaurer ______-=_•-TTTT-=•••.....•-.....•....- 2,386.25 <br />Eugene Water Board ,~..--=-TT,.T„--.e._.__._.,T--_ 11,956.70 <br />i,ien Department ...,...,=,,..T.~.•.....•.•.•.••.....~ 2,408.48 <br />i?ublfc Library ._...__.._._.___. T•.=..<,..=-_-T,.-, 12,800.00 <br />Street Department'......,..___...•~•..•..,...._ ._„ 28,142.26 <br />182--------~-~-- <br />IreS5 Estimated.IlevellUe T•T.!-:T<..,.T..w.-.T•• 61,996.21 <br />. - w-.~.ns._.-,+-.~ <br />120,012:58 <br /> <br />ST.aITEMENT OF BO1VD6 A~NIp. WARRANTS AS AF APR. #, 3,942 <br />General Bonds other than cr~rripd by water and lisbt department <br />Original Due AznaUnt <br />Amount Date Outstanding <br />~ 93,340.45 Water Bonds _,._. -._....-,. 1948 <br />- <br />- ~ 93,340.45 <br />183,500.00 Main Trunk <br />sewer <br />•-T=.-„= 1942 134,500.00 <br />8,000.00 Main Trunk Saver _. _._._ 1&44 6,000,QO <br />30,000.00 Paving Intersection ___-.._. 1945 28,000.00 <br />5,000.00 Paving Intersection _.___,.,,,. 1946 5,000.00 <br />12,000.Qp East Ninth Street Bridge __-. 1945 4,000.00 <br />50,000.00 Main Trunk Sewer 1`To. 1 _-,._ 1945 .43,000.00 <br />30,000.00 Paving Intersection ., __ __ 1945 28,000.00 <br />20,000.00 Paving Intersection Plo. 2 __ 1945 30,000.00 <br />25,000.00 Fire Equipment No. 2 T_ ._ 1845 2a,QA0<00 <br />175,000.00 Park & '.Terminal --..,--Serial to 55 91,000.00 <br />175,000.00 Warrant Refunding ___._._.. 1916. 35,000.00 <br />90,000.00 Main Trunk Sewer ,._,.-__.._. 1957 57,000.QQ <br />5,000.00 Comfort Station .._ _.... 1917 <br />- <br />- 5,000.00 <br />50.000.00 Main Trunk Sewer No. <br />._,._ 1958 <br />2 20,000.00 <br />21,500.00 Main Trunk Sewer ___..,._... 1662 x1,000.00 <br /> X613,840.48 <br /> ~ <br />Sinking Funds, Dash And seewitiea, #or General I~onda ,49 B <br />..>~300 <br /> .~~ <br />REFUNDING I1VI'!.'RO~VEMEN'>" !lQNDS <br />priginal .Amount <br />??,stintated back -tax coilmations will be o!#set by loss- Amount Series Outst$ndang <br />on current tax collections _ - ._- .-=„-TTT $154,500.00 A .--.-. __. __-_---.....,,.-...~ 7Q~,500.00 <br />... - ---- <br />__ ,.._.--_-,.- 133,000.00 $ ,.__•.------~--_--....-.....,..,..-_ 83,000.00 <br />General Tax Levy _._----•-----__.____,....__..$120,012.58 137,000.00 C _-_....T-= ...................... 82,000.00 <br />TAXES O[Tl•'SI~°11',' OF 5IX I~ER~EI+1T LIMITATIQN ~ 55,479.18 D .__...-Tr=.-=---T_.=---•.-_•.•+:. 25,470.16 <br />190,500.00 F T-T_=-. T---=-T--T_.=.........._. 95,800.00 <br />Aebt lt4tlrament _.._-..r__,:_____________ 118,377.13 113,000.00 G ______-__---_,.___....-_.•.._..-• x7,000.00 <br />Playgrounds -__-_______, r_.._r____•___.-. 3,841.50 130,500.00 H ____....._.,._.__----•.-.......___ 46,500.00 <br />Street Lights. sad Electrical lner~y ;:,...._T 10,731.01 ,.__..~•.,.,,..~. <br />Municipal Airport .__ .............. 19,795:04 . (c4i3,&7!#:16 <br />Municipal Swimminlp Pool ._-.. _._.,~..,~ 6,598.35 •~~ ~- <br />.Total-Tax Levy outside ego limitation .T.••••-..•T.T-_5159,113.03 Sinking Funds, sash and securitie#, f©r <br />~'otal Tax Le ",°-.`~"" Iniprovemer~t 8oncle __.<.....---......,..-....=..9113,48x:81 <br />vy -...•.••••..=T._T.=.T=T--..__.9279,155.61 ....~_.~. <br />W~l3I3tANTS piTTfiTANDII~G, A3'IC1L 3, 1942 . <br />General Fund .__ ............=,_..t.,,_..-...,.....__,.---------------r.______-.-.T........._.___-_------•---------,._9 19,340.73 <br />4snaral Road interest-Fond- _ ,..,......._.__..._~._..,:_......_,.__________________.,._.._T_T___..._..-._------•----------- 2,172:50 <br />Improvement I1ond Interest lnund- ,~,.-...T_._.._..-_._t....-.__,.___________________...._._.___...__.>-------•----.r>--=- 2,615.62 <br />Municipal l#lay~ounds Fund ___ .,..,,........_...,._,....._._...,<..___....._<.____.._.>__..____.._=.••T>._.--------•--,T__.•_-_ 272.75 <br />Impravsrnent Rond Sinkinlt'Fund ....................••----__._*_-_--•-^------>--------_--^_---__...._--_-•.,__._....,.....- 348.22 <br />Dog bicenre F'vnd ._=_.,•T-==..,.... .............•.-._..-.__-_T_..---_--__________._,•__•=•••T==_..-..•-_..•....=T-._. 33.20 <br />Sewage ~ispoaal Fund-.-.-_,T-T„-.,,,„__-_._••.s=._..•T••_~_T•••=___________________~._..-_.-•T-•--T_T------'T•------T---- 1.30 <br />Parking IdlRtet Fund- ___ _ _ _~,..-.....,.,T•.T_•___••______________________________________TT.------.T____--__-- 1,357.83 <br />EnBYn&!sX de I31dX.`Inap. FtRVOlvinp Fund. _____.__--•___________________________________,.__._..,..__...___-___-__- .,-......•...- 1.57 <br />Street ,~ $rid8e Revplving Fund ..,_.,,...___-_,..____._____T_.-_.__-_ - <br />-------------------------------•----- -- .•..,...•_.... 9.00 <br />Sidewalk Revolving •I'und .T--_s=...,._•..-•__:....==T..TT_=t=_==.__._- ..______________..-._________,.._.__T-.. ---- T____.._..- 446`7.901 <br />Municipal Aixporpt~ l"'urld •...__•.,..T,...••TTf.J-=r-=_=.=r..~_.._:-..,--_s.=_,......,.,.T_._.-T....-.....-s_wT_-._.._.-.r,...•w-..-a=.w,e_..s 4V,4e77.2q <br />331eyalo 3~aense F ~d•_:____---_____T___________________....---,._-.•...----.~,.-_ 1.40 <br />559,659.44 <br />Cash lp Fu~ada tai. pay W~tnsnt~.,..•,.,,......•..•..•._.•._,._-,•••-------=•-t_..•.••,._•••.••.••T>,......---_.._..........•..., 28,442.13 <br />In aaeord~ce with .the. ,provisioaa of the "Local Budiset Law" (Sections 110=1201 to 110-1213 ©.C.L.A., as amended? notice <br />as ~hereb iven that the $gdiKet. Committee pf F,.ygene Qregon, has prepared in compliance with the "Local Rudget Law", <br />Budget ~rr`-iites for tl3d ensuing fiscal year ,Tuly 1, 1942 to June 30, 1943. All persons are hereby notified that on Monday, the <br />Sth'day of June, 1A43; at 7:34 $. Main the Council room in the City Hall building, Eugene, Qregon, the following Budget Eats- <br />txiatea for t11G .ensuing fiscal year endint June 90, 1943, #or Eugene, Qregon may be discussed with the Common Council, the levy- <br />ing board #or said City of 1a48ane,.4ra on, Rnd any }~eraon subject tp the prAgosed tax levy or tax levies will be heard in favor <br />of ar agamat Bald proposed tax lav'y~ or ~x levieS'or any part thel'ev#. The estinnates of expenditures to be required, the estimated <br />miscalaneous r4vepµes to be recelwd and the estimated taxes ©n property to be lsvied as prepared by the Budget Committee, <br />and adopted Mss 5. 1942 era as set #arth in the aecompanyirat~ statements. <br />The osl$lnal estimate sl'-etts iut rE~uired by Section 110.1304 p.C.I,.~., have beezt placed i'a #ile in the o##ics of the City Record. <br />sr at Eugene, Orerotl. - <br />fii~sed: .. . <br />Sam C. Sand - Ira 4. 3t~waxt ~ .A• E. Caswell 3;~. C. Scharpf <br />J~. C= Fsrsingte>s - - - Qrrsn >3roWmson. Edwsrd F. I3siley Robert M. Filches, Jr. , <br />Loull~ ~Copppe ~ A, 1Cn Hawn C. A. Horton G L. Sigloh <br />~. ,A: ~iittt~ ~ John _W, yr'41311ii9jton .. H. J Cox Gio. 3#. McMorran <br />.~ <br />Section 2. That said levy, constituting the General Fund levy in the suns <br />of 120,012.58 and the levy for special purposes outside of the six per cent <br />limitation, in the sum of 159,143.03 and a~gre~;ating a total tax levy of <br />279,155.61 be made against all taxable property 4,ithin the City of Eugene <br />for. the purpose of deriving the funds necessary to carry on the different <br />departments, end to meet the expenses of the City Cover•nrrent of said City for <br />the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1942 and ending June 30, 1943 and to create <br />and ~~rovide sinking; funds end interest funds for the various outstanding bonds <br />and obligations of the City. That tiie Recorder of said City is hereby directed <br /> <br />