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~~9 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE N0. 8890 <br />An Ordinance vacating the following described area, to-wit= <br />The Alley running North and South through Block 35, Fairmount <br />and that portion of th® Alley running East and West through <br />said Block which lies North of Lot 17, Block 35, Eugene, Lane <br />County, Oregon. <br />WHEREAS, Heretofore and on the ll~th day of January, 1916, the COmTllon Council <br />of the City of Eugene-pissed an Ordinance setting a hearing from Maroh 11, 1916, in <br />the Council Chambers at which time and place protests and remonstrances could be <br />heard as t o the vacation of the following premises to-wit: <br />The Alley North and South through Block 35, Fairmount <br />and that portion of the Alley running East and West through <br />said Blook which lies North of Lot 17, Block 35, Eugene, Lane <br />County, Oregon. <br />and <br />WHEREAS, a hearing was held pursuant to said Ordinance in the Council Chambers <br />in the Gity Hall in the City of Eugene on Monday, the 11th day of Maroh, 191}6, at <br />7;30 o'clock P.M, and at said time the Council heard all objections, and <br />WHEREAS, all persons owning property abutting upon said alley have consented <br />to said vacation and have applied for said vacation. <br />Now, Therefore <br />THE CITX OF EUGF.~`iE DOES ~DAIN AS FOLLOVIS s <br />Section 1. The Common Council of the City of Eugene finds that due and legal <br />notice of the said hearing was published and posted as required by law; that no valid <br />objection to said vacation has been made at said hearing, or filed; that the con- <br />sent of the owners of the abutting property, properly acknowledged, has been filed <br />in said proceeding; and that the public interest will not be prejudiced by the <br />vacation of said alley. <br />Section 2. That said hearing was held on March 11, 191F6, at 7 s30 0' clock P.P,4. <br />in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, and no ob- <br />jeetions or remonstrances were filed or made. <br />Section 3, That the follanring described area, to-wits <br />The Alley running North and South throw Block 35, Fairmount <br />and that portion of the Alley running East and West through said <br />Block which lies North of Lot 17, Block 35, Eugene, Lane County, <br />Oregon, <br />be and the same is hereby vacated, and the area so vacated, being an alley, shall <br />revert to the abutting property pursuant to the statutes of the State of Oregon, <br />reserving however, to the City the right to enter, install and maintain any public <br />utilities deemed necessary or convenient. <br />Section 1~. The Recorder be and he is hereby directed to file a certified <br />copy of this ordinance with the Recorder of Lane County, together with a map or <br /> <br />