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<br />~ <br />485 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 8915 <br /> <br />Ar. OrdiZJ.ance levying the annual tax levy for thIS City of Eugene -' for the <br /> <br /> <br />f'iscd year bep:itming JulY' 1., 194t and ending June 30, 1947. <br /> <br />THE CITY OF EUGEPE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOiIS: <br /> <br />Section 1. <br /> <br />That the Common Council of the City of Eugene. Oregon doe~ <br /> <br />hereby make., estiffiateB deter~ine and declare the ~ount of money necessary to be <br /> <br />levied and raised by taxation for the pu~pose of paying all authorized demands fOT <br /> <br />the several departments of the City upon the Treasury of tiLe City of Eugene$ for the <br /> <br />ensuing fiscal y~ar beginning July 1. 1946 ~d ending June 30, 1947$ ar.d does <br /> <br />hereby <br /> <br />levy the several amoun~s therofores as herein showns and does hereby make separate <br /> <br />appropriation for each office or buildingD officer or effiployee, department, bridges <br /> <br />roads streots hir,hcay., public ~tility or other purpose, as detailed and itemized <br /> <br />her3ins pursuant to the pl'ovisio:'1s CClU :1_::;. -cv,.s manner provided by lev" as follows:- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />NOTICE OF TAX"-H [R- ;\fEETJ!'\(, 'In (u>;SIDER 'rIlE BUDGET OF 'rI!:E <br />CITY OF EU4H'" f'OR THE Fl1'r "L Y ~AR ENDING JUNE :J6. 1947 . <br />.Th~ Budget Con' 1111 I t.A,o In_ Sl1d !01" thf Clt.\- of Eugene. Oregon. for the period <br />.,beglnnmg July 1. 194&, and end!ng JUL!E 30. 1947. heretofore duly appointed under <br />'the provl.s'lons gf Chapter 118, General Laws for Oregon fm- 11121, .~.d all acts <br />r amendatory theret~, _-herewith sUbm:,lt tlle. estimates required by th,e act a',ne! ,,8, [uB I' <br />an.d complete elas",fJed summary of the lndebtednes, of the City of Eugene speci- <br />fYIng the general nature of said indebtedness such as bOnds, warrants, ett'., and <br />all Information required by said. lIet. ' <br /> <br />l::;VY for F'i~~;' l' ;.;:;-- j <br /> <br />July 1, 1946-June 3lI, 1941 <br /> <br />Aotu&! EXIl""dlturea <br /> <br />Fiscal l' ear 194i5-~ <br /> <br />Flscal1'r. <br />1943-1944. <br /> <br />CITY ATTORNEY <br />"local Yr, EXllenoe 1st Total <br />1944-1945 6 Months Budget <br /> <br />Lel'yinK Boa.rd'~ <br />Apllro..."r <br /> <br />i $ 2,07O:00~$ -2'j~0.OO - $1:-095.00 -$2.304.00 -~;ty A. ttorney__ ~~ -:- $-:l;\~.-oo: : <br />414.()[l 414.00 ",tenographer ___ _ ___ ____ _~,_, <br />2,484.00 2,604.00 1,095.00 2,304.00 Total Personal Services_ "S,..OO , <br />--------~-~,*. <br />Supp]!es and Expens.._~_ ""JiiO.OO <br />Total _ _ __ _____.n__"__.~. _ -\\'>9.00 <br />Grand~T~taL___:~::"~.~'M I' <br /> <br /> <br />Janitor _ _ _____$ Z,1711.0n <br />Relief Janllm. _'u '15.00. <br />Total Person.,! Service' _ 2,?~';3.00 <br /> <br />144.00 144.00 150.00 <br />$ 2,628.0(1 $ 3,1J8.00 $ 1,246.00 $ 2,3M.OO <br />$ 1,610.04 CITY HALL <br />, 1,73l1.04 $ l,056.5! $ 2,0ll0.00 <br />62.611' 72.04 <br />1,67.%.84 1,802.08 1,(156.54 2.,080.00 <br /> <br />-----.!.------------ - ------- <br /> <br /> 70.:n 300.00 <br /> 4U5 500.00 <br /> 25.00 <br /> 3M.00 <br /> 448.36 825.00 <br />$ :l.ln.oo $ 2;6:n.08 <br />,. 690.00 $ 810.00 <br />$ <br /> 554.76 6,,0.00 <br /> 10.00 <br /> 210.CO{! . 150.00 <br /> ZO.55 150.00 <br /> 100.00 <br /> 885.31 960.00 <br /> <br />8.M <br />1,104.15 <br /> <br />300.00 <br />1,500.00 <br />25.0(1 <br /> <br />SllppHe, and Experule 15Q.00 <br />Building Repairs .h____ 3,000.00 <br />GrOUnd Expqnse . ___~__ 25.00 <br />'Au ildf n g lnsuran CE' <br /> <br />l,ll:-~_.2:..825.00 -':;~~~i:':~~~~_~p~~: 3,1'li,.OQ I <br /> <br />$ 2,168.99 $ 3.905.00 Grand TotaL___n__ __ $ 5.4::8.00 , <br /> <br />COMFORT STATION <br />$ 765.00 $ 1,530.00 Caretaker ______n________$ 1,6,,0,00 <br />Total __________________ J ,650.00 <br /> <br />$ 1,575:31$1~77-0~OO-$l.'118~09___;2,4~.OO <br /> <br />340.29 600.00 Supplies and Expense_ 700.00 <br /> Insurance - <br /> 250.00 Building Repair~ - -----~ 250.00 <br />12.80 100.00 Plumbing Repairs - .---- 100.00 <br /> Repairs to Roof <br /> Total Materials, SUpplIes <br />353.09 950.00 and Expense ...__<""~''':'.....#.,...__ 1,050.00 <br /> <br />Grand Totai__~~,:""-,-~__~, ~:~7(t().OO <br /> <br />'- <br /> <br />ENGJNEERING & BUILDING _ <br />$ 2,100.00 $ 4.200.00 Engineer. ________c'._L$ 4,200.00 <br />1,500.00 3.000.00 Office Engineer _ '___~~--' 3,300.00 <br />2.958.]6 5.964.00 Draftsman Inspector _~___. 2,982.GO <br />Transitman-Levelmtin _~_. '3.:100.00 <br />Head Chainman _____c~ -,11,.280.00 <br />Rear Chainman ....~_~__..--= .,160.00 <br />2,700.00 Building Inspect9\' _~_._ 2'.982.00 <br />BuiJd;ng Inspector 'Fie\d_ .2,982.00 <br />Electrical Inspector n___. 3'.180.00 <br />Total - _______ ----________~~ 21,:fflB.OO I <br />F4-~iP~-R~~-t;~~~ ~-. I <br />111l.69 :l50.00 59.23 350.00 and Renewals ____ 350,['0 <br />~03.34 350.00 405.07 500.00 Supplies and Expense__ 700.(;() <br />131.16 2~.oj..Otool 50.OQ Ownerships ------~.--- - <br />v 138.85 2.5(1.00 Gas and OIL _'_ aoo.OO <br />78.12 84.00 Insurance ____, _____ .s <br />18:;.73 ,(10_00 173.49 ZOO 00 c~ve~iOl'h. and . . -- -- ',~I <br />818.04 , ,209 00 776.64 1 a.o' T em eno ips ---- - --.-- 200.un': <br />., 0 .O~t~~___________ 1,550.00 I <br /> <br />i $11,300.57 $H,523.00 $10,079.80 $19,914.00 Grand Tot"L __ _ _ __ _. $2H,916.00 <br /> <br />I }'l"om General }"und $2:{,604.00 <br />Spec. Sewer I.evy __ $ 5,312.0U <br /> <br />. "'".00 , '"00 "" "NANe, - -, -- - - <br />. . . 0 . ,620.00 $ 3,240.00 Recorder-Treasure'- __ _ $ 3.600.ll!1 <br />2.249.10 2,8~0.CO 1I3C.OO 1.920.00 Clerk _ _ 1._ 2.100.00 ' <br />1.345.46 1.620.0fl 293'.36 900.00 'Deputy Record-Treasurer 2700 tJ{) I <br />~.S6..:-56 ----------.'7-.5?O:~~~843.36~06o.oo~To~alcP"r~nal. services::_~:400:00 I <br /> <br />I 39.a2 6('0.00 295.60 317.00 Stationery and Priotmg_ :\75.00 I <br />203.9~ 260.0n105.66 :;0.00 Supplies and Expense__ :\50.0[1 <br />26.65 3(''{lO 20.00 Library _ ______._____ 15.00 <br /> 2f~:~ 35.00 15.00 Conventions - ------- ------ 40.0(1 <br />1000 10.00 248.25 Surety Bonds ______c'-----_ 236.2[, <br />. Postage Stamps _____ .___ lSQ.oo <br />.ti.. 80.00 Robbery and __ _____ <br />;';(lL~::,~:~ ~~.'~ 55.75 122.00 ~~~e:ogne: -- _. ==:::: -~\i~ <br />___"_. - 461..26 500.00 Office Organization' - - '_..__ <br />~~l!I' ,:,1,416~_25 ____ 953.27------.3,272.25 Total ___.__n__ __:::;' l:3if.j:W <br /> <br />, $ 7,1s&:"~"c\t'1I,1/<16.25 $ 3.796.63 $ 7,332.25 -G-r"nd-Total=____..::, '9,66i.2i\ <br /> <br />2,268.00 <br /> <br />2.38800 <br /> <br />1,320.00 <br /> <br />I $ 3,360.00 <br />2,242.80 <br />2.268.00 <br /> <br />$ 3,700.00 <br />:1.388.% <br />2.388.00 <br /> <br />:146.73 <br />Hl,485.53 <br /> <br />2,4no.00 <br />13,314.00 <br /> <br />1,425.00 <br />ll,3113.16 <br /> <br />Z.700.00 <br />18,564.00 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />f: <br /> <br />~ <br />