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<br />"'lIIIII <br />~89 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />TlJe O~ing indebtJ:e~~~~:-~~4:i:F~~d ':;. <br /> <br />.. Net Amount of Gimentl. Bonds t g('~"I-_<ki .'caM... . . _~1l.1q1llQ6 OMl..; <br />._'-:lJet'Ub'iDunt of Imp~_ "'~_W_ruLaGittllil{. a ~" NO;;e. <br />::,:''W,I\~n!,. ~utstanding. (. . to J"itY W'Mn ~. .~ __ -~,21 <br /> <br />j,qr"" pn.ctland, -'11m in gener31" 0 . ,1\4", '.:, <br />_ . fl:IallStrIal ,plal1ts, <;.>utside Of. _ ~. Ra,.,. :;,,: , <br />. .I!tent eqUIpment. ~und by the. ,c . _.._.. \>fkH'l'..>"'_. '''5,lI.JO.65 <br />.ma-tedJ3aJance '" the General Fu Oil J~Y.l;194l1""dnrdered carried <br />as "Mo~er on Hand" to balance budget' as 'above by budgei committee $.39,514.76 <br />Surplul'vln "S'lnl.ung Fund for Improvement Bonds," ordered transferred to . <br />Street Dept, budget. Capital Outlay item. by budget committee . _._.$ 56,000.00 ' <br />Ordered transferred by the budget committee from Special Sewer Levv <br />Fun.d :0 Eng~:~~ng _De~~ _budg~t:.!.~m, salaries & wages _ ____,. $ 5,;m.oo <br /> <br />In accordance with provisions of the "Local BUdg~t LHV.~-" IS~ction; 11-0-=1iol~to <br />11~1215 D.C.L.A.. as amendedl noticE" is npreby give.n that' budget committee <br />of the City, of Eugene has prepared in compliancE> with thp "Local Budget Law" <br />Budget Estlmate8 for the ensuing fiscal year, July 1, lS46 to June 30. 1947. A'II <br />f1l?r.son,s are herebJ-' notified that or: Monda~". JuJ;r B. 1946, at 7:30 p, the <br />C~I,mrr' Room of fhf', CIty, HaJJ BUlldi1~g, Eugene, Oregon. the fo;-egofng' buclgrt <br />pstlm.C'I_,f~s (or th~ emmmg fIScal ;year en?_lng JUl1r' 30, 1947 ror Rugene. Oregun, tlIC\;\' <br />~E' dH~eussed wlth the Common Counl'JJ, the Levying Bo-ard of the SF.lkJ City 01 <br />P"'U3pnr>. Oregon, and ~ny person subje~t to the proposed tax If"';)' or Jpdp<::, or' al1y <br />pa.l.1 thereof. The estImates of expendItures to be required, thF: estimated nlisl'pl- <br />Janeous revenues to be received and the e.,timated taxes on property to- be levied, <br />'" p;epared by the. Budget Com'!'ittee and adopted May .27, 1946, are set fpt'ih in. <br />thp .l.oregomg, s.t.ate. ments. ~ ongInal est1.~at? sneets a,e; re>qui:-ed bY,;Secti.Q.n J lO~ <br />1204. O.C.L.A., have been plac.ed au iile In tile office oi the City RecQ'f"der fit <br />Eugene, Oregqn. ", . _ "". , .." <br />SIGN.ED: ";.'. " _ .. t, - <br /> <br />.I.OUrS KOPpE, a,wl M'CCREA;" mt.Y ALLEN, ALBEllT DENNISTON, :A. 1.. <br />~1~~:W~1(:~~.().W~\!, ~WAro:r-BAILEY,.na..IO SILVA.'CALVIN CRUM~ <br />" __,;1'. ".-",,\~,"DR.GEO. HU1tLE'Y, FR~JmtCK'K. DAVTS, W. L DAVIS. <br />or E. TURN uLL.v.n JOHNSON, CLIFFORD STALSBE.."-G. - . ,-.- <br /> <br />Section 2. That said levy, oonstituting tho General Fund levy in the SQm <br /> <br />of $114,500.59 and the levy for special purposes outside of the ~ix per cent <br /> <br />limitation, in the SUIllOf: (~173,920aOO end ag:r;regatillg a total ta.x levy of <br /> <br />~J28S ,426.59 be made against all taxablepropeTty 'ill.thin the City of :Sug6no, for <br /> <br />the Durpose of deriving the funds necessary to carryon the different d<::parbnentl, <br /> <br />and to meet the expens~s of the City (~vernmer.t of said City for the fiscal year <br /> <br />"I <br /> <br />begiYT.ning July 1, 1946 and ending June 30, 1947, and to create and pro'vide sinking <br /> <br />funds and interest fllilds for the variolls outstcnding bonda and obligations of the <br /> <br />City. <br /> <br />That the Recm...der of SAid City is hereby directed to certify the said levies <br /> <br />, <br />as herein made and set forth, to the County officers of Lane County, Oregon, as <br /> <br />provided by 1~~_ <br /> <br />Section 3. That the annual levy of t~{es for the City of EurencB for the <br /> <br />fiscal year beginning July IB 1946 and ending June 303 19La is required by laiiJ <br /> <br />to be made by the Cornmon Council of said City and certified to the Col:nty officers <br /> <br />of Lane County 3 Oregon, bafore the ti..1l0 of conpleting the tax rolls, so that the <br /> <br />same may be extended and the taxes tl1t:ll'CC~. collected. c.l.. -t..r~e 1,ume time that 1,,)1..~:1;:;J..: <br /> <br />taxes are col1ected~ anc that said levy must be made and completed and in ~he hands <br /> <br />. <br />of said Couxity Officeri:l befo!"€: .July 15, 19468 and it is necessary to the peace, <br /> <br />healthB and the safety of the City of Eugenes that the said levy be made rnd <br /> <br />cei:'cifiod to the said County Officials and that the seme be placed in the hands of <br /> <br />the COLJ:u.ty Assessor without delaY3 and therefore an emez'gency is hereby decla:red to <br /> <br />, and this ordinance sh(\ll take effect and be in full force from and afte;rr' <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />its pas sage 'ty the Common Council of the City of Eu,!'ene ~ as its approval by the <br /> <br />:i.:o.yor of said City. <br /> <br />PASSED BY THE CQi]:lON COUKCIL <br /> <br />.1lprROV~1J T1Y THE n:WOR THIS <br /> <br />this <br /> <br />8th <br /> <br />day of July 1946. <br /> <br />_5th _day of JulY3 1 946. <br /> <br />/s/ <br /> <br />John Fields <br />=Rec-6x:der~ <br /> <br />/s/ <br /> <br />Earl L. Fcl'Tutt <br />l~ayor~~~ <br /> <br />..4 <br />