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ORDINANCE N0. 891.5 <br />An Ordinance vacating the following described area, to-wit: <br />The platted alley extending East and West through <br />Block 20 Chambers Addition to the 'City of Eugene <br />Lane County, Oregon, and bounded by the West line <br />of Garfield Street and the East line of Axthur <br />Street in said City of Eugene. <br />- WHEREAS, heretofore and on July 29, 19t~6, the Coirmion Council oi' the <br />City of Eugene passed an ordinance setting a hearing for the 11.x. day ®~ October_• <br />191.6, at the Council Chambers:~at which limo and place protests and remonstrances_~. <br />could be heard as to the proposed vacation of the following premises, to-wit; <br />The platted alley extending East and West through <br />Block 20 chambers Addition to the City of Eugene, <br />Lane County, Oregon, and bounded by the West line <br />of Garfield Street and the East line of Arthur <br />Street in said City of Eugene; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, due notice was duly and regularly given of said hearing and <br />a hearing was held pursuant to said ordinance in the Council Chambers of the <br />City Hall in ~rgene on P~Zonday, the 11+ . dad of October, 19l~6, at 7 : j0 of clock <br />P.P~., and at said time the Council heard all objections; and <br />WHEREAS, all persons owning property abutting upon said al ley pro- <br />posed to be vacated have consented to said vaea.tion and have applied for the <br />same. <br />THEREFORE, THE CITY OF EUGE\TE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The Common Council of the City of Eugene finds that due and <br />regular notice of said hearing was published and posted as required by law and <br />that no valid objection has been made at said hearing or filed. That the consent <br />of the owners of the abutting property has been duly and regularly filed in said <br />proceedings and tr:at the public interest will not be prejudiced by the vacation <br />of said portion of alley. <br />Section 2. That said hearing was held on the ] day of October, 196, <br />at 7:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of Eugene, Lane <br />County, Oregon, and that all matters necessary to be do-ra in the premises have <br />been duly and regularly completed. <br />Section 3. That the following described ai°ea, to-wit; <br />The platted alley extending East and West through <br />Block 20 Chambers Additio:~ to the City of Eugene, <br />Lane County, Oregon, and bounded by the West line of <br />Garfield Street and the East line of Arthur Street <br />in said City of Eugene. <br />be and the same is hereby vacated and the area so vacated, being a portion of the <br />public alley, shall revert to the abutting property rn~zners pursuant to the <br />~~3 <br /> <br /> <br />statutes of the State of Oregon, end the City of Eugene reserves the right to go <br />