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<br />c7 <br />Section y.. That the I~:Iayor,of said city is authorized and directed to sign <br />said bonds and the coupons attached thereto, and the City Recorder to countersign <br />the same and attach the seal of the city thereto for and on behalf of said city. <br />Section 5• That the City Recorder is directed t;o register said .bonds <br />consecutively by number and denominations of each in a book to be kept by him. to <br />be known and designated as t'_^_a rImprovement Bond Register," and he shall also cause <br />to be distinctly and plainly printed on the face oi" each of said bonds the registered <br />nuuibe r of such bond, and the words "Improvement Bonds", ti~rith the name of the City <br />of Eugene, Oregon issuing the same. <br />Section 6. That the City Recorder is hereby directed to advertise said <br />bonds for sale and call for bids on said bonds to be opened at the meeting of the <br />Conunon Council of said city on Pdovember 12t1i, 191~.u, by two publications of such <br />advertisement and notice of sale and c?11 for bids in the Eugene Register--Guard, <br />printed aid published in Eugene, Oregon, rot lass than 15 days before said hearing <br />and opening of bids, and in said notice of sale set forth that t ha bonds will ba <br />sold to the highest bidder therefor or for ary per•tion thereof for not less than <br />par with accrued irt~rest, and that the sealed bids for the purchase of the whole <br />of said bond issue will be received at the office of the City Recorder at the City <br />Hall in -the pity of Eugene, Oregon, at any time,before 7:30 p.m. on the loth day <br />of 1`Iovember, 1gt~6, at which time and place the bids for the purchase of said bonds <br />will be opened and considered by the Common Council of said City. <br />Passed by the Common Council <br />this 15th day of October, lgl~.o. <br />/s/ John Fields <br />. City ecorder <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />_1L~th day of ©~ctober, 1gL~6. <br />%s/ E L ARaldutt <br />Mayor <br />.-~ <br />