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psi <br /> <br />ORDINATJCE N0. 8982 <br />An Ordinance adopting and re-establishing charges and equitable <br />rates as provided in Section b::of Ordinance A1o. 8610 of the City of <br />Eugene, and repealing Ordinance No. 8811 of said City and declaring <br />an emergency. <br />THE CITY 0 F EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS ~U LLOWS <br />Section 1. That the Common Council of the City of Eugene does hereby <br />re-establish charges and equitable rates heretofore established by Ordinance No. <br />881l~, after review of such rates and charges, with a view to correcting irregu- <br />larities, and does hereby adopt for the computation of sewer charges for the <br />calendar year 1917, the following schedules of rates, all pursuant to the pro- <br />visioz~ of Ordinance No. 8610, and other ordinances of the City of Eugene, and <br />the sewage disposal charter amendnent adopted by the electors of the City on <br />November 8, 1938, as follows, to-wit; <br />Cubic Feet <br />Up tp and including 10,000 cu. ft. <br />10,001,to 50,000 cu. ft. <br />50,001 cubic feet and over <br />Rate per Cale near month <br />•25 <br />~ +25 <br />.25 per 10,000 cu. feet or por- <br />tion thereof <br />.35 per 10,000 cubic feet or <br />portion thereof <br />Section 2. That Ordinance Igo. 881l~ of said City of Eugene, passed by <br />the Common Council on February 26, 19115, and approved by the Piayor on February 27, <br />19l~5; and all other ordinances of the City of Eugene in conflict herewith, be and <br />the same are hereby repealed. <br />Section 3. Vthereas the foregoing ordinance has for its purpose the <br />general sanitation of ,the City of Eugene, an emergency is heret~y declared to exist <br />and it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health and safety <br />of the City of Eugene that this Ordinance take effect immediately upon its passage <br />by the Common Council and its approval by the Mayor, and it is so ordered. <br />Approved by the Pdayor this <br />11th day of February, 1917 <br />/ s/ Earl L . PdcNutt <br />~4ayor <br />t1 ~ S~~S - SG <br />~- <br />Passed by the _Common Council <br />this 10th day of February, 19l~7. <br />/s/ John Fields ' <br />City Recorder <br /> <br />