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s~~l <br />ORDINAN CE N0. 9035 <br />An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8413, of the City of Eugene, entitled; <br />t'An Ordinance to create or divide the City into Districts <br />within some of which it shall be lawful, and within others <br />of which it shall be unlawful to erect, construct, alter <br />or maintain certain buildings, or to carry on certain <br />trades or callings, or within which the height and bulk of <br />future buildings shall be limited, and providing for~set- <br />back lines and providing for a penalty for the va.olation <br />thereof." <br />passed by the Common Council April 8, 1935, and approved by the Mayor, April 9, 1935• <br />~iIHEREAS, under the direction of the Common Council of the City of Eugene, <br />the City Planning Commission has prepared a tentative report and held hearings thereon <br />and-has adopted the tentative report as their final and permanent report and trans' <br />witted.the same to the City Council with recommendation that the same be enacted <br />into an Ordinance, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, TFlE CITY OF EUC~I~TE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:_ <br />Section 1.' That Ordinance No. 8413, entitled; <br />"An Ordinance to create or divide the City into Districts <br />within some of which it shall be lawful, and within others <br />of which it shall be unlawful to erect, construct, alter <br />or maintain certain buildings, or to carry on certain trades <br />or callings, or within which the height and bulk of future <br />buildings shall be limited, and providing for setback lines, <br />and providing for 'a penalty for the violation thereof." <br />passed by the Common Council April 8, 1935, and approved by the Mayor~April 9, 1935, be <br />and the same is hereby amended in the following particulars; <br />That the classification of: <br />Lot 4 and North 20 feet of Lot 5, Block 2, Christinats Addit- <br />ion to Eugene, and Lot 8 and South 14.10 feet of Lot 5, Block <br />2, Christiants Addition, except the West 53 feet of said tract,' <br />in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, <br />be and the same is hereby designated as business classification and zoning. <br />Section 2. That the City' F~ngineer be and he is hereby directed to cause the <br />map attached to Ordinance Pto. 8413, to show the foregoing change in classification of <br />areas and to note thereon the rule with respect to buildings in business zones. <br />Approved by the A~ayor this Passed by the Common Council <br />15th day of July, 1947• this 14th day of July, 1947. <br />/s~ Earl L. McNutt ~s/ John Fields <br />lt2ayor Ci y Recor er <br />Approved by the Eugene City P1Rrr~rg Commission on the day of July, 1947. <br />- ~._ <br />Presi en <br />Secre ary <br />