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Item B - Fire District
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 03/07/05 WS
Item B - Fire District
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City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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not be construed so as to allow the formation of other types of districts. It is not clear whether the <br />amendment as originally written could have had that effect. Lane County staff has stated that this would <br />not be the case, as Metro Plan policies providing that cities should be the providers of urban services <br />accommodating growth would remain intact. Ultimately, however, should an urban fire district be <br />proposed in the future under an amended Metro Plan, this question would be subject to Boundary <br />Commission interpretation. <br /> <br />However, initial fiscal analysis by City staff (Attachment A) indicates that formation of a Eugene fire <br />district offers no advantage from a service or fiscal standpoint, and may actually be fiscally <br />disadvantageous, especially in the longer term. Meanwhile, the City's land use planning analysis <br />(Attachment B) reiterates the need for substantive - perhaps even fundamental - amendments to the <br />Metro Plan before special districts can be allowed to serve cities. The Planning staff memo also notes <br />that the existing Metro Plan principle (that cities are the logical providers of urban services) supports the <br />State's land use planning program, which seeks to control urban sprawl. <br /> <br />The Metro Plan requires that amendments of the type now proposed by Lane County be evaluated <br />against two criteria: 1) consistency with statewide planning goals, and 2) preservation of the internal <br />consistency of the Metro Plan itself. The County's proposed amendment would add to the Metro Plan's <br />policies providing that cities are the logical providers of urban services, and the original wording was as <br />follows: <br /> <br /> "Notwithstanding the above provisions of this policy and all other related policies and text in this <br /> Plan, a district or zone of benefit may be created and maintained to provide preventive and <br /> reactive public safety services, including but not limited to, adult and youth corrections services, <br /> crime prevention, prosecution, detention, supervision, mental health and alcohol and drug <br /> services, victim services, drug court, interagency narcotics enforcement, patrol, investigation and <br /> arrest." <br /> <br />The Eugene Planning Commission's action on February 28 included adding the words "single, <br />countywide" before the word "district," in order to help make clear that the amendment would not be <br />intended to allow other types of districts. <br /> <br />Elsewhere in Oregon, voters in the City of Gresham will be asked on March 8 whether they favor <br />annexation to Multnomah County Fire District # 10. Proponents of the annexation state that there will be <br />no change in service, but concede that Gresham residents will pay more in property taxes overall. Tax <br />rate compression is not an issue for Gresham in the short term. <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />The policy issues are as they were a year ago: <br />1) Would there be an improvement in service? <br />2) Would there be a tax savings? <br />3) Does the City continue to adhere to the Metro Plan principle that cities are the logical providers of <br /> urban services (and that fire protection is a key urban service)? <br /> <br />The Metro Plan remains the major policy document relative to this issue. This issue also involves the <br />City Council's 2003-2004 goals of a safe community and fair, stable, and adequate financial resources. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M050307\S050307B.doc <br /> <br /> <br />
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