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s~~s <br />.- - <br />--4 -- -_-------- - = -_ -_- - --- - - -- - - ---- - _ - - ~ _ - -- - -:-_ - - - --_ =- - - - - <br />-- <br />If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall be signed and verified <br />by the president, secretary, and treasurer thereof, or, if a foreign corporation, <br />Such application shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the proper <br />officers of such corporation showing the place and date of incorporation, a <br />certified. copy of its right to do business in the State., of Oregon, and the name <br />of its duly authorized local agent. Such application shall be signed and verified <br />by such duly authorized local agent of such corporation. The application shall <br />state the name of such corporation, its home office, and principal place of <br />business is the City of hhigene, Eash and every requirement of the foregoing <br />paragraphs of this section, as to a single individual or the individual members <br />of a firm or partnership, shall apply to the president,' secretary, and. treasurer <br />of a domestic corporation and to the duly authorized local agent of a foreign <br />corporation. Eash of such afficers or local agents, hits successor or successors, <br />shall, prior to entering upon the discharge of his duties, sign and verify a like <br />"•~~ statement, approved in like manner, as prescribed by said foregoing paragraph in <br />the case of a single individual or individual member of a firm or partnership. <br />In the event of the death, resignation or removal of any such off.icer•or duly <br />authorized local agent, due notice of that fact shall forthwith be given in writing <br /> <br />j to the City Recorder. <br />l (b) Upon receipt of an application, the City Recorder shall fororard the same to <br />r the Chief of Police for investigation and report. Before making any recomnend- <br />i <br />1 <br />ation, the Chief of Police shah cause the applicant, if said applicant be an <br />' individual; each-member of a firm or partnership, if said applicant be a firm or <br />- partnership; or the officers of a local corporation or the authorized local agent <br />i <br />f~ of a foreign corporation; if the applicant be a local or foreign corporation, <br />to be interviewed and his or their photograph and fingerprints taken and a <br />! . <br />C thorough investigation made into the character, reputation, and ability of the <br />j applicant~or those making such application. The provisions of this code relating <br />1 to provisional licenses shall not apply to this license, and no 13,cense shall <br />~~ <br />~ issue without the Chief of Police having approved the application. In event the <br />i Chief of police shall recommend against the issuance of such-license the applicant <br />shall have the right of appeal to the Council. <br />~ ~ Section 5. BOND. The applicant shall execute and deliver to the City Recorder, a <br />1 <br />bond- with good and. sufficient surety in the sum of $1000.00 if a private detective, and <br />I <br />( in the sum of $2500.00 if a detective agency, •conditioned upon the faithful and honest <br />~ conduct of such business by such applicant. Such bond shall. be taken in the name of <br />f <br />the city, and. any person who shall have been injured by the wilful, malicious, or <br />4 wrongful act of such licensee may bring an action on said bond in his name to recover <br />! damages suffered by reason of such wilful, malicious, or wrongful act. <br />t <br />i <br />i <br />