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<br />6~9 <br /> <br />ORDINARTCE N0. 9053 <br />An Ordinance granting unto Oregon Electric Railvray Company, its successors and <br />assigns, a revocable right to constx~zct and maintain a railroad spur track across <br />certain streets in the City of Eugene. . <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLO~'dS <br />Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted unto Oregon Electric Railway <br />Company, its successors and assi~s, the revocable right and privilege to construct and <br />maintain a railroad spur tracl: and to operate cars thereon, across those portions of <br />Fifth Avenue West and Filmore Streets lying and being ti~rithin the follcs~ring described <br />spur track description, viz. <br />The center line of said spur track being described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the center Line of west Fifth Street, said 'point <br />being in the center of the Oregon ~'leetric Railway Company's track as <br />now constructed sand 102.8 feet east of the east line of Filmore Street, <br />thence Southwesterly through a Number Seven turnout, a 382 foot radius <br />curve to the left and a 382 foot radius. curve to the right to a poixit, <br />said point being 82.1.x. feet west of the west line of Filmore Street and 6 <br />feet South of the South line of West Fifth Street; thence westerly 6 feet <br />South of the South line of Vlest Fifth Street g`j.6 feet, for a total <br />distance of 352.1.feot. <br />Section 2.. The right and prn~vilege herein granted is upon the condition that said <br />streets be kept open for traffic and that they shall not be blockaded an unreasonable <br />time . <br />Section 3. The right and privilege herein granted is revocable at the pleasure <br />of the Common Council upon six months notice. <br />Approved by the Mayor this Passed by the Common Council <br />26th day of August, 19L}7. this 25th day of August, 1gI~7. <br />~s~ Earl L. McNutt ~s~ John. Fields <br />Mayor City Recorder <br /> <br /> <br />~, <br />