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~~'p <br />~` <br />H <br />IlVIPRO~El~ENT ORDINANCE <br />'I <br />ORDINANCE NO. 9066 <br />i <br />I~ <br />~~ <br />An Ordinance to wec construct a sanitary sewer on the South side of Twenty- `~ <br />fourth Avenue from the alley between N1cNlillan Street and Olive Street to Olive <br />Streets thence on the ?j~test side of Olive Street from Twenty-fourth Avenue to ` <br />Twen ty-third Avenue . <br />~~ <br />i <br />fl <br />~' <br />THE ~ CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : i <br />I <br />Section 1. That the Common Council of the City of Eugene, Lane county, Oregon, does hereby declare <br />its intention to ~~x construct a sanitary sewer on the South side of Twenty-fourth i <br />Avenue from the alley between McMillan ,Street and Olive Street to Olive Street, <br />thence on the West side of Olive Street from Twenty-fourth Avenue to Twenty- ' <br />third Avenue. <br />i <br />i <br />and making such other and further improvements in connection therewith as may be necessary and proper <br />to a properly constructed .sewer all in accordance with the plans and specifica- <br />tions to be prepared by the city engineer as hereinafter specified. ~ <br />Section 2. That the costs of said improvement shall be assessed and be borne by the property adjacent `I <br />to said improvement, except street intersections whichwill be paid for by the city, and there shall be included I <br />as a part of the costs thereof, the engineer's charges for his services thereon not to exceed five per cent '~ <br />of the contract price therefor. <br />Section 3. That the city engineer is hereby directed to make and prepare plans and specifications for '~i <br />the said improvement as provided in Section One of this Ordinance and file the same with the City Recorder. <br />~j <br />Section 4. WHEREAS, the improvement contemplated and provided for by this ordinance, is a necessary ~ <br />improvement, and the streets to be improved are in such a condition that their immediate improvement is ~ <br />essential to their safety, it is, therefore, declared that an emergency exists and that it is necessary for the <br />immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, that this ordinance take effect at once, and <br />it is ordered that this act shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by ~ <br />the Mayor. <br />II <br />I <br />~~ <br />~i <br />I' <br />Approved by the Mayor this Passed by the Common Council this <br />--------15th-day of---------October _-----~ 19_._47 of------------October ~ ,I <br />----------, 19 - 4_ - <br />- - ----------------- <br />___ ____ _ls/ _Earl _L. McNutt __/sj_Henry_F. Beistel__ __ ____: y Recorder <br />- ------------------------------- Mayor ----_- - Cit , <br />,{ <br />r <br /> <br />