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.~ <br />I <br />ORDINANCE NO. 90b7 <br />I~~ <br />An Ordinance approving and adopting the plans and specifications of the City Engineer for the ~ <br />~', ~ construction of a sanitary sewer on the South side of Twenty-fourth Avenue <br />from the alley between Iti1cl~lillan Street and Ulive Street to Olive Street, thence <br />!~ on the ~nlest side of Olive Street from Twenty-fourth Avenue to Twenty-third <br />Avenue. <br />in the City of Eugene, Oregon, by directing the City Recorder to <br />advertise for bids for the construction of said improvement in accordance with such plans and specifica- <br />tions, and notifying property owners when and where the bids therefor will be opened and considered. <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the said City of Eugene, on the ll~th day of <br />October 19fL 47 ,passed Ordinance No. for the~,~ construe tion <br />of a sanitary sewer on the South side of 1^wenty-fourth Avenue from the alley <br />between NIoIVlillan Street arxi Olive Street to Olive Street, thence on the West <br />side of Olive Street from Twenty-fourth Avenue to T'went y--third Avenue . <br />in the City of Eugene, by and said Ordinance <br />vas approved by the Mayor of the City on the day of , 192 ;and, <br />WHEREAS, Section 3 of said Ordinance directs the City Engineer to make and prepare complete plans <br />and specifications for the 1~~~tXof said sanitary sewer as specified in said Ordinance; and, <br />WHEREAS, plans and s~e°cl~catuions ~1ave been so prepared by the City Engineer and have been examined <br />by the members of the Common Council of the City and found to be satisfactory.: <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS <br />Section 1. That the plans and specifications of the City Engineer for the i~o~ <br />construction of a sanitary sewer on t he :3caut}~ side of Twenty-fourth Avenue from <br />the alley between Nic~$illan Street and Olive Street to Olive Street, thence on <br />the ~nTest side of Olive Street from Twenty-fourth Avenue to Twenty-third Avenue. <br />in the City of Eugene, by paving the same and doing such other work as may be necessary to completely im- <br />prove the same are in all things approved and adopted, and the said sewer shall be <br />accordance therewith. constructed <br />Section 2. That the City Recorder is instructed to give notice to contractors and property owners, <br />as provided in Section 53, 54 and 55-B, of the Charter of the City of Eugene, inviting bids for the <br />;t of said sewer as prescribed in and in conformity to said plans and specifications. <br />construction <br />Section 3. That the Common Council declares that the said improvement and the whole thereof shall <br />be let as one contract, and the City Recorder is directed to state in the notice to contractors and property <br />owners that said improvement will be let in one contract, and to also state therein the time and place when <br />and where bids for the construction of said improvement will be opened and considered by the Common <br />Council, and, that at such time and place property owners may file remonstrances against letting said con- <br />tract. <br />Section 4. That the party whose bid is accepted for said improvement shall sign a contract for said <br />work within ten days from the time of the receipt by him of the notification of the acceptance of his <br />bid, and the work thereon shall be commenced within ten days after the letting of said contract, and shall <br />be completed within sixty days thereafter, unless an extension of the time therefor be granted by the Com- <br />mon Council. The party whose bid is accepted shall also execute and deliver to the city a good aY1d sufficient <br />bond, with one or more sureties to be approved by the Committee of the City, <br />in an amount equal to eighty per cent of his contract price, as security for the faithful and satisfactory ful- <br />fillment of his contract. <br />Section 5. That each party bidding for said improvement shall accompany his bid with a certified <br />check or cash in an amount equal to five per cent of the amount of his bid, as evidence of good faith, and <br />said check, or the proceeds thereof, or said money shall be retained by the City until a written contract is <br />finally made, and fully executed and the bond furnished and delivered, all to be done within ten days after <br />the award of said contract. <br />Section 6. WHEREAS, the improvement contemplated and provided for by this ordinance, is a necessary <br />improvement, and the streets to be improved are in such condition that their immediate improvement is <br />essential to their safety, it is, therefore, declared that an emergency exists and that it is necessary for the <br />immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, that this ordinance take effect at once, and <br />it is ordered that this act shall take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by <br />the Mayor. <br />Approved by the Mayor this Passed by the Common Council this <br />-------15th----day of----October--------------------------- 19~--~7 -------~th----day of-------------~ctober <br />--------------------- 19~- 47 <br />~s~ Earl L; McNutt s .Hen F. Beistel <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor -=-/-/--------~--------- ---City Recorder <br /> <br />