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~~ <br />ORDINANCE N0. 9075 <br />An Ordinance initiating the vacation of the following described premises, to-wit: <br />That part of Inavale Street in the City of Eugene, Lane <br />County, Oregon, from Onyx Street to Emerald Street, <br />and c ailing a hearing and directing that notice be given. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The Common Council of the City of Eugene hereby initi ates vacation <br />proceedings on its own authority without petit ion or consent of the property owners, <br />excepting as provided by statute, of the following described property, to-wit: <br />That part of Inavale Street in the City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon <br />from Onyx Street to Emerald Street. <br />Section 2. A hearing shall be held upon the proposal to vacate the street as herein <br />provided, and said hearing shall be held on the 22nd day of December, 1947, at the Council <br />Chambers in the City Ha11 in Eugene, Oregon, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., of said day, at which <br />time all persons will be heard upon objections or suggestions with reference to the vacation <br />of said portion of street, and at said time the Council will provide for the vacations of <br />said premises or deny such vacation, and in case the vacation is made, will make provisions <br />for any damages sustained, by local assessment. <br />Section 3. The City Recorder be and he is hereby required to immediately publish <br />for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, the news- <br />paper selected by him being hereby designated as the official newspaper of the City for <br />this purpose, notice of the proposed vacation. Such notice shall give the description of the <br />area to be vacated as herein set out, and state the date when this Ordinance was passed; the <br />name of any petitioners petitioning for said vacation; the date when the said petition, to- <br />gather with any objection or remonstrances which may be made in writing and filed with the <br />City Recorder prior to the date of said hearing, will be heard and considered. <br />Section l~. The City Recorder shall forwit h and within five days after the first <br />publication of said notice, post or cause to be posted at or near each end of said proposed <br />vacation a copy of the foregoing notice which shall be headed ~~Notice of Street Vacation~~, <br />and which notice shall be posted in at least two conspicuous places in such proposed vacation <br />of such area. The posting and the first day of publication of such notice shall be not less <br />,than twenty-eight days before the time set for hearing. <br />Section 5. That it is necessary for the convenience of the citizens of the City of <br />~! <br />1 <br />Eugene, that said street be vacated and an emergency is therefore declared to exist, and it is <br />therefore declared to be for the immediate preservation of the peace, health and safety of the <br />City of Eugene that this Ordinance become effective immediately upon its passage by the Common <br />Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />lath day of November, 1947. <br />/s/ Earl L. McNutt <br />Passed by the Common Council this <br />10th day of November, 1947. <br />/s/ Henry F. Beistel <br />1 <br />Mayor <br />City Recorder <br /> <br />