<br />23. I~'R~~lU'K S . NIERSDORF and CL•EORA C . ~iERSDORF:
<br />Lot 22 in Block 14 of First Addition to City Outlook, a.s platted and recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume ~., Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, Lane
<br />County, Oregon, 439.5$
<br />24. FLOYD U1. VIKEN:
<br />Lot it in Block 15 of First Addi tion to City Outlook, as platted and recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume 4., Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, Lane
<br />County, Oregon, 416.$4
<br />25. C-ORDOP7 C. BRLm?TOP1 and T~TARJORIE I. BRU1'~TON:
<br />Lot t12 in Block 15 of First Addition to City Outlook, as platted and recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, Lane
<br />a County, Oregon, 416.$4
<br />2b. EARL J. VAUGHN and CORA L. VAUGHN:
<br />Lot 13 in Block 15 of First Addition to City Outlook, as platted and recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, pane
<br />County, Oregon, 416.$4
<br />Lot 14 in Block 15 of First Addition to City Outlook, as platted anal recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, Lan e
<br />County, Oregon, •416.$4
<br />2$. R03ERT K. B. COt?GILL:
<br />Lot 15 in Block 15 of First Addition to City Outlook, as platted and recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, Lane
<br />County, Oregon, •416.$4
<br />29. Z~~T. J . Ni0NTG01•IERY 2nd T~IARGARET IvI0I~1 T GOMERY:
<br />Lot 16 in 31ock 15 of First Addition to City Outlook, as platted and recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, Lane
<br />County, Oregon, >1~16.$4
<br />30. GEORGE E. C~r7E[V',:
<br />Lot 17 in Block 15 of First Addition to City Outlook, as platted and recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugen e, Lane
<br />County*, Oregon, • 416.$4:
<br />Lot 1$ in Block 15 of First Addition to City Outlook, as platted and recorded
<br />at page 61 of. volume 4, Lane Cour_ty Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, Lane
<br />County, Oregon,416.$4
<br />32. HARRY F. SKEEN:
<br />_ Lot 19 in Block 15 of First Additi on to City Outlook, as platted and recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, Lane
<br />County, Oregon, p416.$4
<br />Lot 20 in Block 15 of First Addi tion to City Outlook, as platted ar.d recorded
<br />at page 61 of volume 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Eugene, Lane
<br />County, Oregon, =416.$5
<br />34. CITY OF DJGEPJE:
<br />Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block 14, First Addition to
<br />" City Outlook, running thence Trdest 60 feet, thence South 60 feet, thence East
<br />60 feet, thence North 60 feet to the place of beginning, 1412.61
<br />Section 3. ^l hat the Common Council of the City of Eugene does hereby determine that each
<br />parcel of land or lot hereinbefore described is specifically benefitted to the extent of the
<br />assessment hereinbefore set fo rth, and does hereby declare each and all of said assessments to be
<br />liens `upon the respective lots, parts of lots or parcels of land against which said several
<br />amounts are assessed, and orders and directs the City Recorder to enter in the docket of City
<br />Liens, a statemen t the reof containing:
<br />First: A description of each lot, part of lot or acreage property liable for such
<br />1
<br />1
<br />improvement. I~
<br />i
<br />,_
<br />