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X30 <br />ORDINAT~C E N0. 088 <br />I <br />An Ordinance le~~ying assessments for the construction of a concrete sid.e~,ralk on the <br />SoutY, side of T~nTenty-fifth Avenue between Harris Street a.nd. Potter Street in the <br />City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Eugene did by Ordinance No. 9050, passed <br />I~ <br />by the said Common Council on the 25th day of August, 1947, and approved by the Mayor <br />j <br />thereof on the 26th day of August, 1927, determine to construct a concrete sidewalk on ~~ <br />the South side of T~r,enty-f. fifth Avenue bet?~een Harris Street and Potter Street in the City i~~ <br />of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon and I <br />i <br />WHEREAS, the improvements above described. a.nd designated have been made in a.ccord.ance i <br />~rrith said Ordinance and the la!rr in such case made end provided, and the costs thereof and ~', <br />amount to be assessed. been ascertained to be, <br />I <br />Amount paid contractor $ 285.50 <br />5~ engineering charge 1.27 j <br />Amount assessed ,property .W 296.77 <br />WHERF,AS, notice of t'r~e proposed rise: sment to the o~finers and reputed ot,.mers of the I~ <br />11 <br />hereinafter designated parcels of real property having been heretofore .duly and regularly ~~ <br />;~ <br />given and. in compliance ~rrith the provisions of Ordinance No. 1510, passed by the Common '~ <br />Council of the City of Eugene on the 20th day of April, 1914, and approved by the ~~ayor ,~ <br />I~ <br />ii <br />thereof on the 20th day of April, 114, and the Common Council having heard any and all <br />protests, objections and remonstrances thereto and hiving fully considered the same. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENI DOES GRDIAN AS FOLLO'mT5; <br />Section 1. That the total cost of construction a concrete side~,~.=Wlk on the South side <br />of Twenty-fifth Avenue between Harris Street and Potter Street in the City of Eugene is the .j <br />sum of $299.77 as aforesaid, which is by this Ordinance assessed against the parcels of i~ <br />property hereinafter described in the amounts set opposite, respectively. <br />Section 2. That the Common Council of the City of Eugene, Oregon, does hereby deter- <br />j mine a.nd assess each lot and part of lot being in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, to-tcit: <br />1. HENRY M. VAN FOSSEN AND RUTH A VADt FOSSEN: <br />Lot 1, Block 20, First Addition to City Outlook,Eugene, Oregon. $281.48 <br />i <br />~ 2. CITY OF EUGENE: <br />Commencing at the ;Jortheast corner of Lot 1, Block 20, First Addition to <br />~ City Outlook, Eugene, Oregon, running thence East 6 feet, thence North <br />6 feet, thence West 6 feet, thence South 6 feet to the place of beginning 18.29 <br />i <br />Section j. That the Common Council of theCity of Eugene does hereby determine that <br />i <br />{ each ~a.rcel of land or lot hereinbefore described is specifically benefitted to the e;rtent <br />of the assessment hereinbefore set forth',, and does hereby declare each and all of said' <br />i <br />~ assessments to be liens upon the rescective lots, parts of loos or parcels of land against <br />which said. several amounts are assessed, and. orders and directs the City Recorder to enter <br />in the docket of City liens, a statement thereof containing: <br />First: A description of each lot, part of lot or acreage property liable for such. <br />improvement. <br />r <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br /> <br />