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6 <br />ORDINANCE N0. 9119 <br />An Ordinance levying assessments for the construction of a concrete walk on the <br />South side of Thirteenth Avenue between Chambers and Grant Streets in the City of Eugene, <br />Lane County, uregon, <br />':^1HERF~AS, the Common Council of the City of Eugene did by Ordinance No. 90911, pass- <br />1 <br />ed by the said Common Council on the 26th day of January, 19118, and approved by the <br />Mayor thereof on the 27th day of January, 19!18, determine to construct a cement sidewalk <br />on the South side of Thirteenth Avenue between Chambers and Grant Streets in the Citt* <br />of Edge ne, Lane County, Oregon; ~~nd <br />'l1HEREAS, the improvement abcive described and designated has been made in accord- <br />ante with said Ordinance and the law in wi~i_ch case made and provided, and the costs <br />thereof and amount to be assessed have been ascertained to be, <br />Amount paid c^ntractor X1113.00 <br />~;~ Engineering Charge 7.15 <br />Amount assessed property ~1~0.1 <br />1+V~i~tEAS, notice of the proposed assessment to the owners and reputed owners of the <br />hereinafter designated parcels of real property having been heretofore duly and regular- <br />ly given and in compliance vri th the provisi ens of Ordinance rlo. 1510, passed by the <br />Common Council of thr City of Eugene on the 20th day of April, 19111, and approved by <br />the Mayor thereof on the 21st day of April, 19].11, ar_d the Common Council having heard. <br />any and all protests, objections and remonstrances thereto and having fully considered <br />the same. <br />THE CI Tv OF EUGEAIE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS <br />Section 1. That the to tal cost of constructing a sidewalk on the South side of <br />1 <br />Thirteenth Avenue between Chambers and Grant Street in the City of Eugene, is the sum <br />of X150.15, as aforesaid, vrhich is by this Ordinance assessed against the parcels of <br />property hereinafter described in the amounts set opposite, respectively. <br />Section 2. That the Common Council of the (:ity of Eugene, Oregon, does hereby <br />determine and assess each lot and pert of lot being in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, to-i~it: <br />1. NiUREL CERUTI -- By Lovrell R. Mathison: <br />The V'lest 70 feet of hot 1, Block 17 of Chambers Addition to Eugene, Lane <br />County, Oregon, as platted and recorded at page 111 of Vol. 3, Lane <br />County Oregon Plat Records. X110.25 <br />2. CITY OF EUGE2~lE: <br />Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 17, Chambers <br />Addition to Eugene, Lane County, 9regon, running thence North 6` <br />feet, thence ~~est 111 feet, thence South 6 feet, thence East 111 <br />feet to the place of beginning. ~ 39.90 <br />Section 3. That the Common Council of the City of Eugene does hereby determine <br />1 <br />that each parcel of land or lot hereinbefore described is specifically benefi tted to <br />the extent of the assessment hereinbefore set forth, and does hereby declare each arxi <br />a1.1 of said assessments to be liens upon the respective lots, parts of lots or parcels <br />of land against wrhich said several amounts are assessed, and orders and directs the City <br /> <br />