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S` <br />oxDlydANCE r.o . 9134 <br />An ordinance to construct sanitary sevrers in the following described streets and alleys: <br />ff~ <br />li <br />~, <br />1 <br />Alley betvree:~ 4th and 5th from Filmore Street to West City Limits; <br />Alley between 5th and 6th from Fi ]_rzore Strc;et to Gr~~nt Street; <br />6th Avenue from Grant Street to a point 550 feet west of Garfield Street; <br />Alley between 6th and 7th from Almaden Street to Gr~~.nt Street; _ <br />7th Avenue from Grant Street to a point 650 feet west of Garfield Street; <br />Alley between 7th and 8th from a point 100 feet east of Almaden Street to <br />Garfield Street; <br />IIth Avenue from Almaden Street to Chambers Street; <br />Alley betvreen IIth and Broadway frrom Chambers Street to Garfield Street; <br />Alley betvreen Broadvray and Charlotte from Chambers to vrest boundary of <br />?'de s t-lt4or eland Acidi_ ti on; <br />A11ey between Charlotte and 10th Avenue from Chambers to 1~dest boundary of <br />V,fest-roreland addition; <br />11th Avenue from Chambers to Grant Street; <br />A11ey bettiveen 10th and 11th from Grant to vrest boundary of ^Test-foreland <br />Additi on; <br />11th Avenue f. rom Almaden Stme t to Filmore Street; <br />11th Avenue from Alle;T betvreen Grant and ha~Tes to Hayes Street; <br />Alley between 11th and 12th from alley between Chambers and Grant to <br />Grant Street; <br />12th Avenue from Alley betvreen folk and Taylor to Almaden Street; <br />A11ey betvreen 12th and 13th fmm alley between Chambers and Grant to <br />Grant Street; <br />Alle~r betvreen 12th and 13th from Van Buren Street to 11^yler Street; <br />13th~AvE~nue from Tyler Street to a point 10 feet west of west boundary of <br />Ctiarrbers Addition; <br />Alley betvreen 13th and 14+.,h from Tyler to Polk Street; <br />Alley between 13th and 1Lth from alley betvreen Chambers and Grant to Grant <br />Street; <br />Alley betvreen lath and 15th from a11_ey between Chambers and Grant to Grant <br />Street; <br />15th l~venzze from Tyler Street to Chamber:. Street; <br />Alley betvreen 15th and 15th from alley betvreen Chambers .and grant to Grant <br />Street; <br />150 feet ~zTest of. Arthur Street from 11th to 13th Avenue; <br />Alley betvreen Arth~zr and Garfield from Llth to l~rth Avenue; <br />Garfield Street f. rom 5th Avenue to Broadvray; <br />Alley betvreen Garfield and Hayes from 13th to 16th Avenue; <br />Hayes Street from Broadvray to 11th Avenue; <br />Alley between Hayes and Grant from 11th to 16th Avenue; <br />Grant Street from alley betvreen 5th and 6th to 7th Avernie; <br />Grant Street from 11th Avenue to a1].ey betvreen 10th and 11th Avemze; <br />Alley between Grant and Chambers from Ilth to 16th Avenue; <br />Chambers^5treet from IIth A~renue to alley between Charlotte and 10th Avenue; <br />Filmore street from alley betvreen 4th and 5th to alley bP+.,vreen 5th and 6th <br />Avenue; <br />Filmore Street from Eroadwa•r to 11th Avenue; <br />Almaden Street from 8th to 13th Avenue; <br />Taylor StrE:et from 14th to 16th Avenue; <br />Alley betvreen Taylor and Folk Street from 12th to 13th Avenue; <br />folk Street from 13th to 16th Avenue; <br />12th Avenue .from Alley between Po].k ~.nd ^taylor to Almaden Street.; <br />in the City of Eugene, and declaring an emergency; <br />THE .CITY OF. EUGL'~dE DOES ORDA:~t AS FnI~01"JS <br />Section 1. The Common Council of the City of ~%ugene does hereby declare its intention <br />i <br />to build _and construct sanitary sevrers in the following described. streets and alleys: <br />A11ey between 4th and 5th from Filmore Street to West City Limits; <br />A]_ley between 5th and 6th from Filmore Street to Brant Street; <br />6th Ave . from Grant Street to a point 550 feet vrest of Garfield Street; <br />Alle 1 between 6th and. 7th from Almaden ,Street to Grant Street; <br />7th Ave . from Grant Street to a point 650 feet vrest of Garfield Street; <br />Alls~T between 7th and IIth from a point lO0 feet east of Almaden Street to <br />Garfield Street; <br />8th Avenue from Almaden Street to Ghambers Street; <br />Alley between 8th and Broadvra;~ fmm Ch~unbers Street to Garfield street; <br /> <br />