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X90 <br />o~,vTraArrcE No. 9135 <br />An Ordinance adopting the plans and specifications of the City Engineer for the con- <br />struction of sewers in the follovring described streets and alleys: , <br />ii <br />' Alley betvreen i~th and 5th from Filmore Street to tr'est City Fbimits; <br />Gilley between 5th 2nd 6th from Filmore Street to Grant Street; ~, <br />6th .Avenue from Grant Street to a point 550 feet wrest of Garfield Street; <br />A11ey bet~+reen 6th and 7th from Almaden Street to Grant Street; jl <br />7th Avenue from Gx-dnt Street to a point 650 feet west of Garfield Street; <br />Alley betvreen 7th and 8th from a point 100 feet east of G7.maden Street to ' <br />~' Garfield Street; <br />j 8th Avenue from Almaden Street to Chambers Street; I' <br />Alley between 8th and Broadway from Chambers Street to Garfield Street; <br />~ Alley bstween Broadway and Charlotte from Chambers to west boundary of <br />blest-Prloreland Addition; ~' <br />Alley between Charlotte and 10th Avenue frortt Chambers to west boundary of ~~ <br />V3est-It4oreland Addition; <br />11th Avemae from Chambers to Grant Street; ; <br />Alley between 10th a.nd 7.lth from Grant to ~~Iest boundary- of :nest-Itioreland ~~ <br />Addition; , <br />L th Avenue from r"~].rnaden Street t o Filmo re Street; ! <br />~ 11th Avenue from alley between Grant and Iiayes to Hayes Street; <br />Alley betvreen 11th and 12th from alley between Chambers and Grant to Grant <br />Street; '! <br />12th Avenue from Alley betvreen Polk and Taylor to AJ~naden Street; ;', <br />Alley between 12th and 13th from alley between Chambers and Grant to Grant <br />Street; ~~ <br />~ Alley between 12th and 13th from Van Buren Street to Tyler. Street; ,~ <br />13th Avenue from Tyler Street to a point 1'0 feet wrest of west boundary of <br />Chambers fddition; <br />Alley between 13th and llrth from Tyler to Polk Street; ; <br />Alley between 13th ar~o. 11th from alley betvreen Chambers and Grant to Grant <br />Street; ~~ <br />~111ey between 11~tki and 15th from alley between Chambers and Grant to Grant ' <br />Street; '~ <br />15th ~?venue from Tyler Street to Chambers Street; <br />Alley betvreen 15th and 16th from alley between Chambers and Grant to Grant ~~ <br />Str. eet; '' <br />150 feet, ,rest of Arthur Street from 11th to 13th Avenue; ' <br />' Alley betvreen ~-rthur and Garfield fmm 11th to ll~th Avenue; <br />Garfield Street from 5th Avenue to Broadway; <br />Alley between Garfield and Hayes from 1.3th to 16th Avenue; i~ <br />Hayes Street from Broadway to 11th Avenue; ! <br />Alley between Hayes and Grant from 11th to 16th Avenue; ~~~; <br />Grant Street from a7_ley betvreen 5th and 6th to 7th Avenue; <br />Grant Street from 11th Avenue to alley between 10th and 11th Avenue; ~, <br />Alley between Grant and Chambers from 11th to 16th Avenue; <br />Chambers Street from 8th Avenue to alley betvreen Charlotte and 10th Ave .; <br />Fi]more Street from alley between ~;th and 5th to alley between 5th and <br />6th Avenue; <br />Filmore Street from Broadway to 11th Avenue; ~' <br />' Almaden Street from 8th to 13th Avenue; <br />Taylor Street from 11tth +.,0 16th Avenue; <br />Alley between Taylor and Folk Street from 12th to 13 th Avenue; <br />Yolk Street from 13th to 1.6th Avenue; ~' <br />12th Avenue f rom Alley between Polk and Taylor to A]snaden Street; . ,~ <br />' all in the City of Eugene, Oregon; direct7_ng the City Recorder to advertise for bids for ' <br />the construction of said sevrers in accordance with such plans and specifications, and no- ,~ <br />i tifyin~; property owners when and where the bids therefor will be opened and considered. !, <br />!^tf77REAS, the Common Council of the said City of Fu.gene, on the 12th day of April, i <br />i <br />~ 1948, passed Ordinance No. y131~ for the construction of sevrers in the streets and alleys ' <br />described and set forth in the title of this 0•rdinance, and said Ordinance was approved by I, <br />j tkie Mayor of the City of Eugene on the 13th day of April, 1y1t8; and <br />!! <br />fi~'IF~REAS Section 3 of said Ord9nance directed the City engineer to make Mans and speci- ';'~, <br />' i~ <br />fications for the construction of. said sewers as specified in said 0-rdi.nance, and to file ';~ <br />i <br />~1 <br />the same wj. th the City Recorder, and <br />