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~]!~~ <br />+el'/; <br />ORDNANCE PdO. 9].38 <br />An Ordinance to construct sanitary sewers in the follovring described streets and <br />1 <br />alle ;~s <br />Alley betvreen 16th and 17th from Polk Street to bZonme Street, if extended; <br />17th Avenue from Friendl~r Street to Tyler Street; <br />Alley between 17th and 18th from Tyler to Polk Street; <br />18tk1 Avenue from It~Ionroe to Tyler Street; <br />Tyler Street from 15th to 18th Avenue; <br />Alley betv~en Tyler and Van Buren Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley betvreen jran Buren and Jackson Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley betvreen Jackson and .dams Street from 7.8th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley bstvreen Adams and .~iend.l~r Street fran 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley l;etvreer. Friendly and P,lonroe Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley between I~SQnroe and Madi.sion Street from 19th to 20th Avenue; <br />~'.lley along East boundary of Englev:~ood addition from 17th to 18th Avenue; <br />20th Avenue from alley betvreen Van Buren and Jackson to Jacl<aon Stree t; <br />20th I'~venue from al]_ey betvreen Jackson and Adams Street to Adams Street; <br />20th Avenue from alley between Adams and Friendly Street to Friendly <br />Street; <br />20th Avenue from l~-~enroe to I"Iadison StrF~et; <br />21st Avenue from T~adison Street to alley betvreen Madison and Jefferson <br />Street; <br />22nd Avenue from a~1ey betti~reen Adams and Friendly Street to R4onroe Street; <br />Jackson Street from 20th to 22nd livenue; <br />Adans Street from 20th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Arlonrce Street from 20th to 22nd Avenue; <br />I~Zadison Street from 20th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Friendly Street from 21st to 22nc1 Avenue; <br />in the Cite of Eugene, and declaring an emergency; <br />TI-IE CITY OF EtiG:',VE DOES ORDAIAI AS FOLISJ?".rS: <br />Section 1. The Common Council of +he City of Eugene does hereby declare its intention <br />1 <br />to build. and construct sanitary sewers iri the following- described streets and alleys: <br />l~.lley between 16th an~1 17tF: from Polk StrF~et to 1TOn.roe Street, if extended; <br />17th Avenue from Friendly .Street to Tyler Street; <br />Alley bettiveen 17th and ].8th fron Tyler to PoJ.k Street; <br />18th Avenue from ~jonroe to Tyler Street; <br />Tyler Street from 15th to 18th Avenue; <br />Alley betvreen T~r]_er and Van Buren S',xeet from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alle;,T betvreen Van Buren and Ja.cksor. Street from 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley bettiveen Jackson and Adams Street from 1Fth to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley between Adarns a.nd Friendly Street from 18th to 22nd.Avenue; <br />A11e.y between Friendly and P,Ionroe Street fr. om 18th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Alley betvreen T,Ionme and Iuiadison Street from 19th to 20th Avenue; <br />A11.ey along East bouundary of ?:n~;levroai l:ddi Lion Fran 17th to 18th Avenue; <br />20th Avenue from alley between Ilan Buren and Jackson to Jackson Street: <br />20th Av;;nue from alley betvreen Jackson and Adams Street to Adams Street; <br />20th hvenue from alley bsttivoer_ Adams anc~. Friendly Street to Friendly <br />Street; <br />20th Avenue from nlonroe Street to ~•Tadison trout; <br />21st ;venue from i~'Iadison Street to alley between Itladi.son and Jefferson <br />Street; <br />22nd Avenue from alley betvreen Adams and Friendly Street to I',~onroe Street; <br />Jackson Street from 20th t•o 22nd Avenue; <br />Adams Street from 20th to 22nd Avenue; <br />D1lonroe Street from 20th to 22nd Avenue; <br />P~ladison Street from 20th to 22nd Avenue; <br />Friendl~j Street from 21st t~ 22nd Avenue; <br />in the City of Eugene, Oregon. <br />Section 2. That the said sewers shall be constrtictocl of first class cement, vitri- <br />1 <br />fled pipe, or other suitable material according to the plans and specifications of the City <br />Engineer. <br />Section 3. `i'he City Enl,*ineer is hereby directed to survejr out the location of said <br /> <br />J <br />