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~~.(~2 <br />~. <br />oRDZrrarvcE rro . 91.1~o I <br />An Ordinance prohibiting 'fie indiscriminate carr~ring of passengers upon footboards, <br />I~ <br />~II <br />running beards, bumpers, radiators, and various other portions of autorzobiles, motorcycles <br />and other motor vehicles other than the seats provided for that purpose, ir. the City of <br />Eugene, and prescribing a penalty therefor and repealing Ordinance number Fj036 and all ~' <br />other ordinances and parts of ordin~.nces in conflict herevrith, and. declaring an emergency. <br />THE CITY OF EUGL;rJE DOE; ORDaIl`J AS FOLLO?~(S : ',' <br />Section 1. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any automobile, motorcycle or other ;, <br />motor vehicle in the City of Eugene to carry passengers gat, or for any person to ride at, <br />,, <br />any other place upon said automobile, motorcycle or other motor vehicle, other than i_n the <br />~, <br />inside of said automobile i.n the seats provided thereon. and in only such numbers as is provided i' <br />by the Oregon State rlotor fehicle lays and ordinances of the City of Eugene, and no more „ <br />than tyro persons shall ride upon a motorc~rcle at any one time and no more than one person <br />shall ride upon a motor scooter or rotor bicycle at any one time. <br />Sect~_on 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, <br />upon conviction thereof in the municipal court, be subject to a fine of not to exceed <br />X100.00 and to imprisonment in the City Jail not to e~:ceed one day for each v;-2.00 of such <br />fine unpaid, and such offender shall, in addition thereto, pay the costs of the prosecu- <br />t ion . <br />Section 3. That Ordinance munber 8036 and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances <br />in conflict be and the same are hereby repealed. <br />Section ~. ?~1HE T~ S an emergency is declared to exist end it is declared to be nec- <br />essary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health ~~:nd safety of the City of <br />i Eugene and its inhabitants that thi.~ ordinance shall taYe effect immediately upon its <br />passage by the Common Council and its approval by the mayor, and it is so ordered. <br />~' <br />approved by the Mayor this Passed by the Common Council <br />i <br />13th da<,- of April, 198. this 12th da~T o_f April, 19t~8. <br />/~/ Earl L. It4crdutt /s/ Henry F. Beistel <br />yon City 1 corder <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />