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I2(~ . <br />T. S. FJALSTAD and LOIS P'1, FJALSTAD, husband and wife <br />he orth feet of of 1 in ou~ss Tuition to Eugene, Lane <br />County, Oregon. 328.05 <br />B. G. SCHELLFPIGER and MARGARET RAE 5CHELLEPIGER, husband and wife ' ~ <br />Beginning at the outheast corner of 1G,ot 1 of Douglass Addition to f , <br />Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, as platted in volume 11 page 19 of <br />Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence run North along the <br />East boundary of sa~_d Lot 1 of said Addition, 54 feet to the point <br />of beginning, thence run ~dest 107 feet, thence run TJorth 50 feet, <br />thence run East 107 feet, thence run South 50 feet to the point of <br />beginning. 282.90 <br />T. S. FJALSTAD and LOIS M. FJALSTAD, husband and wife <br />h~o~ 5~~et~Zot Hof ~~oug ass Ad ition to Eugene, Lane <br />County, Oregon . 316.33 ~ I <br />FRANK A. MOODY and GLADYS L. MOODY, husband and wife ' <br />e~ g nning at a point, whic is the intersection of the East line ~ ~ <br />of Polk Street, if extended South, and the North line of 15th <br />Street, if extended East, as said streets are laid out in the Plat <br />of Chambers E~ddition to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, said beginning <br />point being 581.4 feet North and 1487.1 feet East of the South- -- <br />west corner of James Huddleston's Donation Land Claim #37 in Tovm- <br />ship 17 South Range 4 West of the Willamette R-leridian, and run <br />thence East 334 feet, thence forth 214 feet,- thence Vilest 334 feet, <br />thence South 27.4 feet to the point of beginning, in Eugene, Lane <br />County, Oregon. (The East 160 feet of the above described property) 1253.61 <br />C. L. CHASTIN and NSA`17;47~: CHASTIN~ husband and wife <br />Beginning at a point which is the intersection of the East line of <br />Polk Street in Eugene, Oregon, if extended South, and the jJorth <br />line of 15th Street, if extended East, as said Streets are laid out <br />in the Plat of Chambers Addition to the City of Eugene, in Lane <br />County, Oregon, said point bung 581.4 feet North and 1187.1 feet <br />East of the Southwest corner of James Huddles ton Donation Land Claim <br />#37 in Township 17 South Range 4 Vilest of the VV'illamette Meridian, <br />and run thence East 334 feet to the West line of Tyler Street, <br />thence North on the 'West line of Tyler Street, 214 feet for the , <br /> <br />point of beginning of. this description, thence V~fest 105 feet, thence ~ <br />North parallel with Tyler Street, 60 feet, thence East 105 feet to <br />the West line of Tyler Street, thence South 60 feet along the West <br />line of Tyler Street to the point of beginning. 351.48 ~ <br />i <br />EVERETT RARICK and LILTyIAN RARICK, husband and wife <br />Beginning at a~ point vrhich is t intersection of the East line of <br />Polk Street, if extended South, and the T'Jorth line of 15th :Street, _-- <br />if extended East, as said Streets are laid out in the Plat of <br />Chambers Addition to City of Eugene, Oregon said beginning point ' <br />being 581.4 feet North and 1l~87.1 feet East of the Southwest cor- - <br />ner of the James Huddleston Donation Land Claim X37 in Township <br />17 South Range 4 Vilest_ of the Willamette Meridian, thence East 334 <br />feet, thence North 27l~ feet for the beginning point of this des- <br />cription, thence Tdorth along the West line of Tyler Street 60.1 <br />feet to the Southwest corner of the intersection of 14th Street <br />ti'lest and Tyler Street thence West along the South line of 14th <br />Street West, 105 feet, thence South 59.87 feet, thence East to the <br />West line of Tyler Street, in Lane County, Oregon . 352.06 <br />CI^lY OF EUGENE <br />Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 1 Douglass Addition run- <br />ning thence East 66 feet, thence North 71~ feet, thence Vilest 66 <br />feet, thence South 14 feet to the place of beginning. 163.94 <br />CITY OF EU('IETdE <br />Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 1 Douglass Addition run- <br />ning thence East 66 feet, thence South 66 feet, thence Vlest 66 <br />feet thence T'jorth 66 feet to the place of beginning. 1088.13 <br />FRATdK A. MOODY and GLADYS L. MOODY, his wife ' <br />Commencing at the intersection. owe o~ut~i line of 14th Avenue <br />~ <br />West and the East line of Tyler Street as laid out in the City of <br />Eugene running thence South 56.33 feet, thence East 160 feet, <br />thence North 56.33 feet to the South line of 14th Avenue Vilest, <br />thence 160 feet to the place of beginning. 329.98 <br /> <br />~. <br />- -~~ <br />