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7/16/2009 1:56:02 PM
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1/4/2006 6:08:05 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance initiating the vacation of all of the following described part of the 20' unopened & unnamed drive or street shown on map of Agate Plat as a 20' roadway running in a southwestrly direction from Agate Ave.(See ord. for complete description)
Approved Date
V. E. Johnson
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UF•~ <br />ORDIAtANCE N0. 9263 <br />An Ord~_nance initiating the vacation of the follovring described premises, to-vrit; <br />All of the follovring described part of the tvrenty foot (20~) unopened and unnamed drive <br />or street shown on the map of Agate Plat as a tvrenty food (20~) roadway running in a <br />southvresterly direction from Agate Avenue, to-wit: <br />All of that part of said drive or street lying or rt~ning West and Southwest of the <br />Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Agate Plat, (it being understood that the area <br />to .be vacated vrould run vrester~.y and southerly from a line on said drive or street <br />extending from said. point North to the Northerly line of said Drive), intending <br />to cover and include all of said unnamed drive Vilest and Southwest from said point to and <br />including a point represented by a line extending from the Northwest corner of Low 6, .. <br />Block 5, Agate Plat, without affecting any part of Reed Street lyingS,puth of said <br />line . <br />ahd calling a hearing and directing that notice be given. <br />THE CT'TY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIl`1 AS FOLLOVJ5: <br />Section 1. The Conunon Council of the City of Ettgene hereby initiates vacation pro- <br />ceedings on its own authority without petition or consent of the property ovrners, exce~tirig <br />as provided by statutes, of the follovring described property, to-wit: <br />All of the following described part of the twenty foot (20T) unopened and unnamed drive <br />or street shotivri on the ma.p of Agate Plat as a twenty foor (20~) roadwa~r running in <br />a southvresterly direction from Agate Avenue, to-wit: <br />All of that part of said drive or street lying or running Vilest and Southwest of the <br />Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5, A~Tate Plat, (it being understood that the area to be <br />vacated vrould run westerly and southerly from a 7_ine on said drive or street extending <br />from said point North to the Northerly line of sa~.d drive), intending to ccver and include <br />all of said unnamed drive West and Southwest from said point to and including a point <br />represented by a line extending from the Alorthwest corner of Lot 6, Block 5, Agate ,Plat, <br />without affecting anw~part of Reed Street h> South of said line. <br />Section 2. A hearing shall be held upon the proposal to vacate said premises as here- <br />in provided, and said hearing shall be held on the 1l~th day of February, 1949, at 7:30 <br />o~clock p.m. of said day, at which time all persons will be heard upon object .ons v~rith <br />reference to the vacation of said portion of said street and at said time the Council will <br />provide for the vacatiom of said premises or deny such vaoati.on, and in case the vacation <br />is made will Hake provisions for any damages sustained by local assessment . <br />Section 3. The City Recorder be, and he is hereby, required to immediatel~~ publish <br />for four consecutive weeks in a nevrspaper published in Eugene, Lane C®unty, Oregon, <br />notice of the proposed vacation. Such notice shall give the description of the area to be <br />vacated as herein set out, and state the date when this ordinance vras passed; the name <br />of any •petitioners petitioning for said vacat_i_on; the date tivhert the said petition, to- <br />gether with any objecti ons or remonstrances tvhich may be rude in writing and filed vrith the <br />City Recorder prior to the date of said hearing, will be heard and considered. <br />Section ~. The City Recorder shall forthwith and within five days after the first <br />publication of said notice, post or cause to tie posted at or ne~.r each end of said pro- <br />posed vacation, a copy of the foregoing notice vrhich shall be headed ~~Plotice of Street Vacation~~ <br />and which notice shall be posted in at least two conspicuous places in such proL~osed vacat ~_on <br />or such area. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />,. <br />
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