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~38 <br />ORDIl`JANCE N0. 9267 <br />An prdinance ordinance or`iering a special election for submission to the legal <br />voters of the City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, at such special election to <br />be held on the 1st day of Larch, 19l~9, the follov~ring proposed amendments to the <br />Charter of said City of Eugene, referred to the legal voters of said {;ity by <br />the Common Council thereof, for their approval or rejection, and designating the <br />polling; places and the Judges and Clerks for the carrying on of such special <br />City Election, and declaring an emergency. <br />THE CITY OF EUG`rA?E DOES, ORDA:IP1 AS FC7L]GOti'VS: <br />Section 1. That a special City Election shall t~ held iri the City of Eugene, Lane County, <br />Oreg rn, on the 1st day of I}1a.rch, 1949, at which election the re shall be submitted <br />to the legal voters of said City, for their approval_ or rejection, the following amendments, <br />proposed and on file, the titles of which are as follows: <br />(a) Proposed by Resolution of the Common Council and referred to the Legal Voters: <br />"AN ACT to amend the Charter of the City of Eu€;ene, Lane County, Qrc;gon, by <br />adding ~ new L'hapter thereto, authorizing and empowering; said City of Eug-eno, <br />acting by and through the Eugene Vfater Boarcl, to improve and enlarge its <br />water and electrical utilities' systems, within and without the said City <br />by the purct~se, construction and installation of such units, equipment, <br />transmission facilities, and structures as shall in the ,judgment of ~tkie said <br />Eugene Vfater Board be deemed expedient, convenient and necessary; to secure <br />b~T purchase, condemnation or othervrise, withiin and vrithout the said City, <br />all real estate, rights of way, property, water rights, easements and <br />licenses necessary or convenient to said improvement and enlargement, and <br />to purchase, construct and install any and every unit, equipment, structure <br />and appliance reasonable and necessary therefor; and further authorizing <br />and empowering said City of Eugene, through its 6o~non Council, to issue <br />and sell negotiable, gene ral obligation bonds of the said City of ~ gene, <br />in the stun of X3,000,000.00, or so much thereof as shall be necessary for <br />the purposes aforesaid, and further authorizing the said Eugene "`~~Tater Board <br />to expend the proceeds, with any other available funds, in pa;,~nent therefor. <br />The payment of said bonds shall be additionally secured by a pledging of the <br />net revenues of the Eugene Y°later Board available for such purpose." <br />(b) proposed by Resolution of the Common Council and referred to the Iega.l Voters: <br />"AN ACT to amend t~ Charter of the City of Eugene, Oregon, by adding a new <br />Chapter thereto, providing and directing that the Commission known as the <br />"Eugene Mater Board," created by the amendment to the Charter of said City <br />adopted at a Special City Election held in the City of Eugene on April 18, <br />1908, acid thereafter composed under and pursuant to Ordinance AIo. 1088 of <br />said City, passed by the Common Council of said City on the 20th day of <br />February, 1911, and approved b,y the ltlayor of said City, on the 27th day of <br />February, 1911, shall hereafter be known and designated as !'Eugene Vfater <br />& Electric Boar~i~~, retaining and remaining vested and succeeding to <br />each and all of the povaers, authorities and duties of said Eugene b'V'ater <br />Board provided by Charter provision or ordinance of said City." <br />(c) Proposed by Resolution of the Corrmion Council and referred to the ~-regal Voters: <br />"AN ACT to amend the Charter of the City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, by <br />adding a new Chapter thereto, authorizinf; and empovering the Eugene Vfater <br />Board to borrow from any b m k or banks Lander short term loans of less than <br />one year, and at such rate or rates of interest and terms of repayment as <br />shall in the judgment of the Eugene vfater Board be deemed expedient, conven- <br />ient and necessarn~ for the use and benefit of said Eugene Vfater Board in <br />the conduct and maintenance of the water and electrical utilities of said <br />City; providing, however, that the total amount of indebtedness of said <br />Eugene plater Board on said short term loans shall not at any time exceed the <br />aggregate amount of y~500,000.00, and authorizing the Eugene ti'~ater Board to <br />secure the pa~~nent thereof by wa,y of pledging or other hypothecation, as <br />collateral for any such loan or loans, such assets of the said City under <br />the control of the Euge ne ~1Jater Board as may be available tt~e refer, and as <br />the said Eugene ~~7ater Board shall deem it expedient, convenient and necessary." <br />Section 2. That the said proposed amendments: to the Charter of s<~id City of Eugene shall <br />be placed upon the official ballot by the City Recorder to be voted upon by the legal voters <br />of said City at said election. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br /> <br />