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X53 <br />i <br />Section L~. That all Ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict hereVrith be, <br />and the same are hereby repealed. <br />Section ~. V'•rhereas, theme is, at the present time, extnesive improvements being made <br />in the City of Eugene and that, in connection therewith, there are various costs being <br />incurred by the City of Eugene, and that it is necessary that said costs be included as a <br />part of the cost of said improvements, it ;_s hereby declared that an emergency e~i sts, and <br />it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health and safety of the City <br />of Eugene that this ordinance take effect immediately upon its passage by the Common Council <br />and its approval by the Mayor, and it is so ordered. <br />L <br />1 <br />'1 <br />Passed by the Conunon Council <br />This 2L~th day of Jai nary 191ty . <br />~s~ Henry F. Beistel <br />City Reco rder~ <br />Approved by the 14iayor this 25th day of <br />January, 19l~9. <br />~s~ V. E. Johnson <br />Mayor <br />I , <br />