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hest .~`cz~;ene Sewers -Section ~, <br />~~~~*33~_ Hen Bromley and ~tellte Bra:~ley: <br />`Phe South. ~~a,lf' of the Sout~awest ca9~~rter of :dot S in .~raspect <br />X67.41 i'&r'y ~dditfoz~ to :~ena, County, C3re~on, except t~~e East S <br />feet thereof whi.c~ is reserved i'or road. <br />$426.46 Yirginia~ C. Meal: <br />The past he.lf of I~at or Tract 22 in .~;rospect Parr, Lane County, <br />X446,35 Oregon. <br />+~xce~t: $eginnir~g at the northeast corner of 3aot 22, i'ros~eot <br />Park, as ?~le,tted a.n$ recorded at pie S3 of volume ~ of T,sne County <br />Oregon i'lat ~~ecords, and run thence ~#sst along the North line of <br />said ~t 331 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of the East <br />half of said Lot 22, thence SoutA3 70 feet, tk~ence East 331 feet, more <br />or less, to the .fast line of said dot, and thence North along the <br />S~ast line of said Lot 74 feet to the point of beginnir~~, in Lane County, <br />Oregon, <br />Exc~: fit: ~.'he uYest 174 feet thereof. <br />~.~~3:~ ~Y. ~, Cole and 3~~able Coln, husband and wife: <br />Beginning at t~~~a Southeast corner of Lot lg in 1~rospect Park, <br />~~~~•~~ as the same is platted and recorded in the ofi'ice of the County Clerk, <br />Vane County, Oregon, and run thence North 131,4 feet, slang the least <br />Line of said I,ot 19, thence ~~est 341.3 feet, thence South 401 crest <br />131,4 feet to t~-se South 13ne of said treat, thence East 301.3 feet to <br />the xaint of beginning. <br />Also beginning at tits Northeast corner of Tract 24 in Prospect <br />Park, as the same is-~latted-aad of record in the of~"ice of County <br />Clerk of Dane County, Oregon, running; thence aYest along the North <br />line of said Tract 24, 301.2 feet, t"t~ence South on a line parallel <br />with the 'Vest line of said 'I' 20, 2x]..4 feet, t~~ence last on a <br />line parallel with the North.ldne of said Treat 24, 341,2 feet to <br />the East line of said Tract 20, th®nce :North along the .Gast line of <br />said tract, 20, 232.4 feet to the tioint of ~aeginning, all in L^ne <br />County, Oregon. <br />Except : Beginr~in~; st r~ point which is 341.2 feet .pest and 131,-4 <br />feet South of the ldortheast corner of l,ot 20, Prosr,aect kark, as <br />Matted and recorded at ~~;e ~3 0~: volume fit, Lane County Oregon Flat <br />??ecord., thence East 164 feet, thence P~arth 68 feet, thence nest 160 <br />feet, thence SoutYa 6S fast to the ~aoint of beginning, in bane Co~ty- <br />Oregon. <br />-~-r24 z€al~h X, Jeft'eris and Grace I, ~'efferis, hw: <br />Beginning at a paint in the East line of Tract '~ in .C: ,~ ~ ,~;r~'t <br />Park, as the same is platted and of record in the County Clerks <br />~535,5~ of~'ice in Lane County, 4re~.,an, sa.3 d beginning point bein~~ 197..1 feet <br />North of the Southeast corner of said Lot 2~j and run thence ~e8t aA <br />aline parallel with the South line of said tract, 341.2 feet, tkzenee <br />forth on a tine parallel with the nest line of said tract, 6a.7 feet, <br />thence .~s+t on a line parallel with the South line of said tract ¢~2~j, <br />342.2 feet to a point in the East line of said tract, hence Soutk~ <br />along the least line o.E' said tract X5.7 feet to the point of 'beginning, <br />