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~ , <br />~~~~- Lewis ~, Jones end ~~`~ta ~' ae Janes <br />'T'k3e Borth 53.,7 f®et of the fast ': of Lot 26, of T~ros~aect Park <br />~1A9#~ as platted at page 83, volume ~, Lane t:ounty Oregon Plat F~ecords, <br />Lane Gounty, t}regon. <br />-~~s-~~-- Gerald C=regnry end Pdelson Hobe Gregory: <br />~16~.1J The South 82~ feet of the.~st _ of lot 26, #n Prospect <br />i'ark Addition l;ugene, Lane County, gregon. <br />-~5}1~ Jase~~h Izarr®11 <br />$535.5 The South 1 3,-~F feet of tat 25, of T~raspeat Park as platted at <br />page ~~'~, volume ~ Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, gregon, <br />~xeent the ti-est 3q feet thereof, <br />~~~a. Georgia Mien Dale <br />'rhe Forth L of the following described Land: <br />~2~7.97 Beginning at a paint on the ~~est line of tract 2~ #n ~ro~peat <br />Park as the sa~ae is platted #n the office of tY~e County Clerk of Dane <br />County, gregon said point begi.nnir~~; 65,7 feet North of the 5authwest <br />corner of sa.#d tract 2~, running thence North along the hest line of <br />said tract 2~F, 231. ~+ feet, thence ~:ast on a line parallel w#t h the <br />North line of said treat 2~, 3q1•~+ feet, thence South on a line par- <br />allel with the Last line of sa#d tract 2~+~, 131.x+ feet, thence hest <br />on a line parallel w#th the South line a£ said tract 2~F, 301wu feet <br />to the pleas of beginning containing l acre mare or less in Lane <br />County, Oregon. <br />~'36~7Q .~lv#na ~. Peterson <br />The South ~ of the foll~»ir~ ~f.escribecs lAnd: <br />~~~7,g7 tieginr:ir~; at s mint an the ~'~est line of the `T'ract 2~ in z'ros~ect <br />k'ark ~s the sage is ~slattee. ^xic~ recor~ec in tre office of the County <br />i:ler~j. of 1~flne Coi,nty,;on snick -;lace: o-~' be~inrin~ beginnir~ 65.7 <br />feet Forth of t}~e Southwest corner o.f sRic tract 2~ runnir;~ thence <br />Nortk~ ~alon~, tY~.e ;pest line of tke^-Aici 'B'ract -''kt, l~ly~+ feet, thence <br />~:est -~ar~~llel with t'k~e i!artY! lfne of said 1' 2~+, ~Ol.k £eet, <br />thence Soutk~ on ~. line rar~llel rvi,tk~ the hest line of said `T`ract 2~, <br />1?1,4 feet, thence `~iest an ~ line ~•er~=llel kith tt;e South line of said <br />'Bract 2~+, ?ql.~F feet to tree '.~10.°~"8 of be~~;innin~-; conteinin~; 1 acre more <br />or less in Ls~ne County„ gre~,on, <br />~-~~.~;~~~ i,, j~;. Xleins^~ith and ;Vona G~. ;,leinsmith: <br />k3eginnin~; at a z~oint ~k.iah ..Dint is ?q1.2 feet nest ana l~l.~ <br />~,l}+6+66 feet aouth of tVOrtheast corner of Let 2v in .F~ros~ect nark as ;,lsttea. <br />and a.t ~,a{sre ir? volane ~+, Lsne county Cre~;on t'lr~t t;ecorc:.s, <br />thence 1z~sst lo{} feet, thence ktiorth 6S feet, thence w"refit 16q f"set, <br />t~,ence aoo.tkz &t5 feet to tree M~lace of be~irzninm, Lane County, t)x'e{,on. <br />