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J - ...,,,.,p ~ e <br />~ • ~ • . w <br />l ~ - > <br />STATEMENT OFINDEBTEDNE66 <br />The outstanding indebtedness of the City of Eugene, exclusive of Eugene Water & <br />Electric Baazd operations on March 31, 1849 consisted of: <br />Net Amount of General Bonds Outstanding ____________________________$305,443.98 <br />Net Amount of Improvement Bonds Outstanding -______________________ 34,303.88 <br />General Fund Wazrants Outstanding (Funds on hand <br />to pay when presented) ----------------------°-----------------____-- 48,208.11 <br />Net Amount of District Improvement Warrants Outstanding <br />(on special assessment protects) ________________ _______________-____-__ 270,804.72 <br />SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED REVENUES <br />$ 65,000.00 $108,378.65 GENERAL FUND REVENUS <br />$ 56,299.93 $118,840.00 Fines, Licenses, Permits <br />& Fees __ _____ _$120,000.00 <br />11,519.00 16,389.14 7,333.46 16,966.00 Rental of City Property 20,258.90 <br />7,870.00 Franchise Earnings and <br />28,800.00 54,378.62 32,467.99 59,370.00 Eugene Water & IIec- <br />tric Board (3% tax- <br />electric) ________ <br />63,200.00 104,468.53 5,4E1.66 105,970.00 State Shared Revenues 68,000.00 <br />145,000.00 <br />300.00 41.42 5.15 25.00 County-State Road Ap- <br />portionment _ ___ <br />36,000.00 69,729.77 30,685.60 69,600.00 Parking Meter Receipts 25.00 <br />87,650.00 <br />2,376.00 9,528.00 Ffre Protection Fees ___ 11,500.00 <br />Admission Tax (1948-49 <br />1949-50) _ ________ 45,000.00 <br />Miscellaneous Income. <br />Natatorium, etc. __ ?,000.00 <br />10% Estimated District <br />Improvement Contracts <br />32,271.68 79,918.05 31,610.00 50,335.00 Transfers to Gen. Fund 43.237.49 <br />from Special Funds __ <br />39,927.95 28,871.50 28,787.83 62,983,52 Balance on hand, June <br />30. 1949 -------------- <br />Total Anticipated Rev- <br />$285,788.64 $481,174.68 enues Other than Pro1r <br />$195.067.42 $493,817.52 erty Tax _ ______ _--$547,671.39 <br />PROPEB;TY TA% LEVIE6 <br />General Tax Levy Authorized within 6% Limitation __ -. __ - _ __ _ __ . __$138,380.35 <br />Special Levies Ovtside 6% Limitation and/or Authorized by Charter <br />Amendments: <br />Parks, Playgrounds & Recreation ____________ __________ _____ ___.._ 77,394.77 <br />Salaries, Fire Department ________________________________.-. -- 44,225.58 <br />City Manager Charter Levy ______________________________ __ ____ ___ 22,112.79 <br />Sewer & Drainage Levy ___________ __._____. .-_ <br />------------------ - _- 110,563.95 <br />Street Light LevY __----_.-------------------_--_-- ----__---------_ --- 22,112.79 <br />Bond Principal .-____ __ __________________ .._ <br />------ - ----------- __ 40,000.00 <br /> <br />Bond Interest -- -. --------------- --- ---_-.- _-- . <br />--- - -- 10,000.00 <br />Intersection Paving Sinking Fund _._ __________ ______ _ __ __ 13,267.68 <br />Total Anticipated Revenues from Property Tax __ _ ___ __ _- <br />- -- 8 476,057.97 <br />Total Anticipated Revenues --.-----_--------------------------- -_-. -- $1,023,729.30 <br />SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED ERPENDITURE9 1949-1.9.50 <br />Estimated <br />Department Expenditures <br />Airport -- - ---------- -- - -- ----- --- -- ----- - ---- $22,742.72 <br />Attorney -- -- ---_ __-- 8,880.00 <br />Dept. Public Works, Building and Safety Division _ _.. ____.___._ __ 24,000.00 <br />City Hall -- ~ -- - - ~ - - -- -- -- -- -------- - ~ - - - - - 6.590.00 <br />Comfort Station __ _ _ ____ ________ __ - _ 3,380.00 <br />Dept. Public Work-Engineering Division _ _________.____ _____ --.--- 39,555.00 <br />Finance Department -----------_--_-- -. __-- -. -. .. ---- - 28.707.00 <br />Fire Department __--- -----------------------_-- --- --- ---- ----- 151.880.00 <br />Health Department .._ - __. __. __ __________ __ ___-. -- _-. _ 11,190.00 <br />Library -- ---- -- ---------- -- - - -- 22.112.00 <br />City Manager __-- -- -_ -- -- --_ _----- -- _ -. ---- -- 13,905.00 <br />Miscellaneous ---_-__-- --._..-- -- --------...-- -- -- __-- - 93,81fi.22 <br />Parks and Recreation __ _ ____ -. __ -__-__ _. __ _ -- .-.-__-- 77,394.77 <br />Police Court ---- ----- -- ---- -- --------- - --------- - 8.060.00 <br />Police Department _ -- .. -- --------------.------ --_ .-- _--_-- _-- 172.856.00 <br />Street and Sewer __ __ _____ __.__________..____ _. _ 145,000.00 <br />Street Light and Power and Water __.-__ _- ____ 38,917.57 <br />Sub Total-General Fund Expenditures ________.________-__----._- -- 862,748.28 <br />Sinking Fund for General Bonds - __________.___- ._- . - -___ .. __-. 40,000.00 <br />Sinking Fund for General Bond Interest ___.__- ._- ______ .._ _ 10,000.00 <br />Sewer &Drainage-Sinking Fund _ ______ _- _.. __ ______. __ ____ 56,583.95 <br />Intersection Paving, Bonds, Interest ____ __-_ - __ - __ _ ___. _ 13,287.68 <br />Total Estimated Expenditures __ ________. __ -.____-.-- -- _$982,577.91 <br />Estimated Unpaid General Fund Warrants, June 30, 1949 _ 41,]51.39 <br />TOTAL -- -- -------- ----------------- -- -- --- $1,023.729.30 <br />Ordered transferred by Budget Committee from Special "Sewer & Drainage <br />bevy Fund" to Engineering Division $17.000.00 and to Department Public Works <br />$37,000.00 from 1949-50 proceeds. <br />Ordered transferred by Budget Committee from "State Tax Street Fund" to <br />the General Fund the amount of $127,200.00 anticipated as a receipt from state <br />highway revenues for administratioa of the funds for street DurDOSes. <br />Ordered budgeted by Budget Committee $800,000.00 as anticipated advance pay- <br />ments on District Improvements for 1949-50 and $800,000.00 as an estimated receipt <br />from assessments and sale of Bancroft Bonds to cover such Dayments. <br />The following appropriations ordered budgeted for fiscal yeaz 1849-50 by the <br />Budget Committee from anticipated bond proceeds and for reserve funds as shown <br />in "Fund Balances" and special levies outside 8% limitation, <br />A. Fire Dept. F.QUip.-Aerial Ladder, Pumper (5-21-48) ____ . _ _ _ __ _ _$ 44,150.76 <br />B. Fire Alarm System (5-21-48) ______________.____ _ - .__._ 40,000.00 <br />C. Mill Race Restoration (5-21-48) _____ __ _.____ -____._____ 24,675.08 <br />D. Amazon Channel, Drainage (5-21-48) _._._ _ __ __ -_ __ __ _ __ -___ . 367,000.00 <br />E. Sanitary Sewers and Drainage (June 15, 1949) _ ___ __ ____ 61,.563.95 <br />F. Street and Highway System Bonds (May 17, 1946) 450,000.00 <br />In accordance with provisions of the "Local Budget Law" (Sections 110-1201 <br />to 110-1215 O.C.L.A., as amended) notice is hereby given that the Budget Com- <br />mittee of the City of Eugene has prepared in compliance with the "Local Budget <br />Law" budget estimates for the ensuing fiscal year July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950. <br />All persons are hereby notified that on June 13, 1949 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council <br />Room of the City Hall Building, Eugene, Oregon, the foregoing budget estimates <br />for the ensuing fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, for Eugene, Oregon, may be ats- <br />cussed with the Common Council, the Levying Board of the said City of Eugene. <br />Oregon, and any person subiect to the proposed tax levy or levies ,or any part <br />thereof. The estimates of the expenditures to be required, the estimated misret- <br />laneous revenues to be received and the estimated taxes on property to be levied. <br />as prepared by the Budget Committee and adopted May lfi. 1949 are set forth in <br />the foregoing statements. The original estimate sheets as required by Section <br />110-1204, O.C.L.A., have been placed on file in the office of the City Recorder of the <br />City' of Eugene, Oregon. <br />Signed: <br />A. L. HAW1V, DR. JOHN P. MACKINNON, ROBERT P. BOOTH, MERVIN <br />VATER, CALVIN C. CRUMBAKER, DR. W. E. BUCHANAN. JESSE J. C.ODLOVF. <br />DR. CHAS. E. WII,LiAMSON, RAY E. ALLEN, ALBERT G. DENNISTON, <br />HAROLD J. WELLS, HUGH F. PROUDFIT, W. L. DAVIS, J. E. TURNBULL, J. <br />DON SMITH. CLIFFORD K. STALSBERG. <br />Nb. 104-Thursday, June 2, 1940. <br />~s~ <br />